i had kind of a crappy day so i'm just going to fill this out and mope around for a bit. :(
1. What's the first thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up?
~a superhero
2. Describe a dream you remember. The first one that comes to mind:
~someone on my friends list showing up at my door in full amish gear, trying to take my roommate "back to the colony". i must have od'd on "Orgazmo" and Chuckie P
s "Survivor" before i had that one a couple of months ago...
3. What book are you reading?
~"American Excorcism: Expelling Demons In The Land Of Plenty" by Michael W. Cuneo
4. What colour are your sheets?
~a warm shade of red
5. What song is in your head right now?
~"I Need Caffeine" by the Secretions... kind of ironic when you think about it, really...
6. Waitaminnit... Where are you?
~here in my room, sitting in front of my Boo
7. I am afraid of...:
~ many things, most of which are too abstract to describe in a few words
8. Your day job/dream job:
~ i'm currently a book-slinging retail slut / my dream job would involve getting paid for being me, while still feeling fulfilled, useful, and keeping a low call on the boredom
9. What movie have you seen the most times?
~It's so cliche'd "Teen Angst", but "The Breakfast Club", probably.
10. One question for Jesus, or Buddha or Muhammed, etc:
~would you do it all again if you had the chance, knowing all the blood that'd be spilled in your name for many years to come?
11. The guilty pleasure you'd really rather not admit to here:
~ when i'm really sad, watching "Shallow Hal" makes me smile and laugh just a little
12. Comfort food of choice:
~ if you didn't already know it was buffalo wings, you're not paying enough attention
13. What's the last video you rented?
~ do dvds count? if so, the Royal Tenenbaums
14. Who do people say you look like?
~no one's told me i look like anyone since Ghost World came out and a couple of people said i reminded them of Thora Birch
15. What's the bane of your existence?
~i could go on for days regarding work related things, but i'll be good and just say Not Driving :P
16. What's the last thing you found on the ground and picked up?
~ *shrug* probably a coin or a pen
17. A writer worth reading:
~y'all are probably already expecting Chuckie P to get the nod, so I'm going to come rom nowhere and say
L. M. Montgomery, because she did the near impossible. She created a female character that *I* want to be. More impressively, she created her nearly a century before i was born.
18. Where would you like to grow old?
~alongside someone worthy of taking that journey with
19. A word of wisdom:
~"i'm certain as a lost dog pondering a sign post"
20. The question you get asked ALL THE TIME!!!:
~"what color do you call that?" (in regards to my hair)
21. When was your last hospital visit?
~actual hospital and not doctor type thingum... just after midnight, june 9th, 1995 i was wheeled into an emergency room following a car wreck that left me minus the back of my left shoulder
22. The last thing you said out loud:
~ "fuck". very plainly and simply and bored
23. Current clothing:
Secretions t shirt, pink socks (from the Target kid's department... glorious because they have no toe seam!!!!!)
24. Your favourite season:
~ depends on what i'm doing or wishing i was doing... tends to be either fall or spring most of the time though
25. In my last lifetime I was probably:
~pretty fucked up. if this life is supposed to be fixing what happened then, and i'm this twisted now, i can only shudder to think what must have been :P