It's really late and I should be sleeping, but I'm too awake. Damn rockstar juice... It's so tasty though.
Feels as though I've stepped into another dimension when I come "home" to my parents house in Kearns. I'm definitely going to have to get used to this. A lot of things are so good about it, though. It's like the physical distance has brought me mental distance as well. My family is so nice to me, it's quite a change. Not that my family wasn't totally awesome in the first place, more that it's just very comforting in contrast to the way I've felt for a long time. I don't feel all the weight of responibility when I'm here. Right now, I feel isolated, but I'm enjoying it.
My mom is taking my car into work with her to get it fixed for me tomorrow. Thank you mom! I just don't have time to think about it right now. Or at least that's my excuse. I'm really just procrastinating, like I do with a lot of things =\ I should have taken my car in to the shop like, 3 months ago. I have a list of things to get done, but I've been so broke that I don't know if I can afford to pay anything over what my mom has agreed to pay... I wrote her a note that said that she doesn't have to get everything done at once. I hope it's not too much money to come up with.
OMG <3 their cat is so adorable! I normally dislike cats, but he's very charming. His name is Satan, hah! He's got longinsh black hair, and he's really really soft. He won't let me touch him yet but he'll sit and perch a few feet away from me and stare, it's really cute. He's very different than most cats, I actually like him because he's calm and elegant, and makes the cutest little purrmeow noise instead of the annoying shrill myaow that most cats have. I closed the door to keep him out, and he sat out there and i swear his meow sounded like helllloooo? it was way cute. He's pretty smart too. Not like dogs are smart when they do tricks for you, more like he's got something going on behind his eyes. He's very inquisitive, following me from room to room, and checking on me every time he hears me moving around in the house. He knows how to open doors by putting his paws under and pulling the door out enough to get out of/into the room. pretty handy.
Nice thing about mom taking my car, is that I'll be forced to stay out here and concentrate on studying and unpacking. Katie is going to drive out to see me during the day of she has time, and I really want to sit and unpack while we're studying together. I don't know if I'll need to be looking at my notes all the time, but I might, so that might not work. We're going to be cramming all day tomorrow. I knwo cramming is bad, but i really had no choice at this point. The test is on Wednesday. And besides, I have 1 test to drop and i've gotten an A's on all of them so far. i can afford to have slacked just a little bit, as long as I get ready for the final with a vengeance.
All the uncertanties will be resolved within a week-ish, I hope. Then it's on to summer in my new location, and possibly very different life for a bit. I'm going to see about hanging out with some of my friends that live out here that I haven't gotten to know as well because of the distance factor. Should be a good time! those of you the live in the city can come and see me too... or I'll come to you! going to be a great summeer, I think.
In the energy of this home lurks an opporunity to get a lot of productivity out of this year. I'm going to make the best of it and myself and become whole again.