(no subject)

Jul 19, 2011 22:08

Player Name: Curry
Player LJ: daluci
E-mail and/or AIM: trelanity
Timezone: EST
Current Characters: n/a

Character: Jimmy
Fandom/Series: De Fawg Pin trilogy
Original or Alternate Universe: Original

Canon Used: Books

Age: One and a half years old - as a frog. He appears to be about eleven, as a boy.
Gender: Male
Species: Fawg/frog. He's the son of a man-turned-frog and a frog, but he's currently in a human(ish) body.

He has greenish skin that peels if he's away from water too long or spends too much time in the sun, and shoulder-length brown, curly hair. His fourth toe is longer than normal. (The only colored picture I have of him is here) He also lisps, but I'm not going to type it out in his first-person posts. If the person I'm logging with is okay with it, it may get written out in any prose logs I end up with - for the third person sample here, I translated it. Mostly I'm still feeling out how to handle it without being obnoxious.

Personality: Jimmy is very abnormal for a frog - which has a lot to do with the fact that he is a fawg. (Fawgs are the children of Pin, a human prince who was turned into a frog for a short while, and Jade, a normal frog.) Gracie, his friend who is just a normal frog, often chastises him for doing un-froglike things. He likes to make friends, and spend time with his mamma. Jimmy is brave, although he would insist that he doesn't do anything that's too dangerous, he always makes sure it's safe first (unless he gets carried away). He's easily confused by human customs, since he's used to the much less complicated life of a frog. He likes to dream, particularly about having a horse to ride on and what his daddy was like, so much so that his mother's nickname for him is Dreamer.

He's also pretty quiet, preferring to think about things rather than respond immediately, especially if he's confused. His first reaction to danger (if it's aimed at him) is to hide, but he'll jump in if someone else is about to get hurt. He can think things through quickly, assuming he has enough information at hand. He tricks a snake that has just eaten a bullfrog, stunning it and then tying its tail in a knot before it can recover. He doesn't lie, which isn't so much because he's morally against lying, but because he doesn't understand why you would. If something is one way, it makes sense to explain that as the way it is. Since he wasn't brought up as a human, most human things baffle him. Clothing, shoes, things (or, goodness forbid, frogs!) belonging to someone, are all concepts he accepts because the people he's interacted with insist upon them, but they're definitely not things he understands. (Or, well, mostly accept - he's still not convinced that anyone can own a frog, but he's perfectly okay with the concept that a horse can belong to someone. ♥)

Despite the fact that he's uninformed as to the way things really work (at least from a human point of view), he has the emotional stability to deal with unexpected events, which also sets him aside from other frogs. He has no problem with standing up to the hag, or arguing with Sally, or fighting a cat or a snake. Gracie expresses a lot of shock at Jimmy's actions (when she knows it's Jimmy doing them, at least), since they're very much not what you would expect a frog to do. He's not always proactive - usually he'll just roll with whatever's going on - but when he strongly disagrees, he'll stand up for himself.

He considers himself, first and foremost, a frog, and is very uncomfortable when he's stuck as a human boy. Humans act strangely, and look weird, and tell him that he's doing things wrong - jumping onto tables, preferring to crouch rather than stand, and eating bugs are mysteriously frowned upon. He doesn't quite fit into either the human or the frog mold, but he feels much more at home as a frog.

He jumps very well (at one point, someone accuses him of flying) for a human, if not as well as he could as a frog. He's a very good swimmer, but that's taken a lot of practice. He can also understand frogs, cows, turtles, birds, and newts. But not cats or horses (I don't get it, either). Being kissed by a girl (particularly a princess, but any girl will do) while a frog turns him human.

He can't understand cats or horses. He also doesn't understand shoes, or much about being a human at all. He got by in the palace because everyone was really bossy and insisted on how he should do things (plus who expects the somewhat-slow kitchen boy to actually be a frog-turned-human?). He doesn't have much in the way of fighting skills -- frogs usually run, rather than do battle, and he's not even in the body he's used to. He also speaks with an interdental lisp - so he says "Jimmy" as "Thimmy", "Sally" as "Thally".

Once upon a time, a hag turned a prince into a frog. He didn't make a very good frog -- his tongue got in the way when he tried to talk, he didn't want to eat bugs, and he didn't act like a frog should act. Normal frogs don't fight, they ran and hid, but the prince didn't know that. He fought bigger frogs, a box turtle, and the hag when she came back. Luckily, he met Jade, another frog, who tried explaining the way he should act. He tried to explain that he wasn't just a normal frog, he was the frog prince, but his tongue got in the way, so he called himself "de fawg pin." Since Jade couldn't tell what he was trying to say, she decided his name was Pin.

Jimmy is one of Pin and Jade's forty children. Pin disappeared a short while after he was born, but Jimmy has heard many stories and misses his father. Like Pin, Jimmy isn't exactly a normal frog -- he and his brothers and sisters call themselves fawgs. They're faster thinking than other frogs, try to take care of each other (frogs usually mind their own business), and croak with only their left vocal sac. Jimmy is the smartest and bravest of his brothers and sisters, and his mother calls him Dreamer because he is always thinking of unfroglike things.

Jimmy lived in a pond for most of his life, along with his brothers, sisters, and mother, and a variety of other pond creatures. His biggest worry was the big box turtle that kept trying to eat him and the other frogs/fawgs. There was a man who visited the pond fairly often, and told stories about Pin and other strange things. He brought a horse with him that Jimmy decided was his horse, and Jimmy would imagine hopping out of the pond to ride on the horse's head. Other than that, Jimmy lived a simple life, just swimming around in the pond and eating bugs.

One day, an old hag showed up and threatened the pond, saying she would dry it up if she wasn't given her magic ring back. She also caught Jimmy and tried to curse him, but her powers wouldn't work without the ring. Jimmy knew that the man who often visited the pond had the ring, and that the man lived in a palace. He headed off for the palace, followed by his friend Gracie (who was just a regular frog). When he got there, he was attacked by a cat that scratched his leg. Sally, a princess, chased the cat away, and kissed his scratch to try and make it better. This caused the hag's curse to work, and Jimmy was turned into a human.

There was a lot of confusion, after which everyone decided that Jimmy was the extra kitchen boy that was supposed to have been sent from the nearest town. He was given a set of clothes and told to clean up the kitchen. While he was there, Sally caught Gracie and kept her in a bowl filled with water. She came to yell at Jimmy (who everyone was calling "Timmy" since he lisped when he tried to say his name) because she needed someone to complain to -- her sister was getting married to a prince in a few days, and Sally wasn't very happy about it. While she was complaining, Jimmy found out that she had captured a frog (Gracie, who had followed Jimmy) and demanded that she let it go. Sally got upset and ran off into the castle, with Jimmy quickly following. They ran into the dining hall where Sally's sister, their father, and the man from the pond were eating. While Jimmy was distracted by the sight of the man from the pond, Sally marched over and demanded that they tell the kitchen boy (him) that she could keep the frog if she wanted to.

The man from the pond agreed with Jimmy, that the frog should be set free. After some arguing, Jimmy wound up in possession of Gracie. He tucked her into his pocket, and went on a walk with the man from the pond. After some time, he wound up trying to steal the ring, but the man from the pond saw him, and he was thrown into a jail cell under the palace. He stayed there for a few hours, until Sally came to bother him, and he escaped. He couldn't leave entirely, though, because he still needed the ring.

He snuck back into the palace, and into the man from the pond's room. The man woke while Jimmy was looking for the ring, and they had another talk. The man said that he was Pin, that he had been turned into a man. Jimmy didn't believe him, and decided to run away, back to the pond. When he got there, he set Gracie down on the ground, and suddenly the hag appeared. The hag threatened to dry out the pond again, and suddenly Gracie dropped the ring from her mouth - she had stolen it while she was at the palace. Jimmy moved to get the ring, but before he could reach it, he found himself in a strange room, and not at the pond at all...

Canon Point: Near the end of Jimmy The Pickpocket of the Palace, just before he uses the ring to turn himself back into a frog and (accidentally) the hag into a rock.

First Person Sample: ((Like I said in appearance, I'm not going to type out his lisp here, in hopes of not being annoying.))

["Surely you understand," the man - the wall? - the man in the wall was saying. Jimmy didn't, not at all.]

I need to be at the pond. [The man in the wall didn't seem to care, just continuing to talk about a lot of things that went right over Jimmy's head - he didn't even know most of those words! He waited until the long explanation was through, before trying again.] I'm sorry, I- [The vidscreen turns off, and he slowly blinks at the blank space where the man was before.] Hello?

[He waits, but when nothing else happens, he starts to wander, gently prodding at things to see if they're going to disappear like the man did. Finding nothing that seems helpful, he stops and addresses the wall again.] Hello? I really have to go. I was almost done. Gracie can't fix the pond by herself. And the hag... [He frowns to himself, thinking of the vial she had been holding.] I have to go right now. It's very important.

Third Person Sample:
Jimmy lets his head fall under the water, watching the other people around him. The prince is swimming well, very smoothly and comfortably, and the old man is still flailing about like last time - kicking his legs at different times, and waving his arms around; it's almost a surprise he doesn't just drown! Marissa and Sally aren't in the water at all. Marissa because she "prefers to watch, just now" and Sally because she is convinced that if she looks long enough, she can find a turtle, or frog, or something else to 'play' with.

Jimmy is hoping she won't find anything, because if she does, he'll just have to argue with her again. Anyone who can kill a snake shouldn't be in charge of keeping anything alive! He resurfaces, not able to stay underwater as long as he would as a frog, but not really minding. Just being able to sit in the water is a joy - how everyone in the palace is able to stay dry all day is completely outside of Jimmy's understanding. It's hot, and uncomfortable, and itchy, and it's just so much nicer to sit in the water. The prince is obviously the smartest of them, since he insisted on the moat in the first place.

Looking around, Jimmy imagines what the other creatures from the pond would think. It's nice, almost as nice as the pond, and there's no hag rock sitting as a reminder of bad times. Then again, it's also a reminder of exciting times - when Pin saved the day - and makes sure no one forgets what has happened.

Of course, no one is goin to forget Pin any time soon. Even if he had been less of a hero or otherwise not as memorable, the Pin Impersonator Festivals aren't going away anytime soon. Everyone in the pond has too much fun trying to get Pin's special way of talking juuust right. Jimmy is pretty good at mimicking Pin, and he remembers the story of how Pin saved the pond better than anyone. He's also pretty good at telling it, although he wouldn't call himself the best. He just happens to be the only one who remembers what really happened and is willing to step forward every time.

He's jolted from his train of thought when Sally flops into the moat, splashing everyone. The prince and the old man laugh, and Marissa scolds her, worrying that she'll get herself hurt. Jimmy just blinks, submerging most of his face in the water again. The prince shakes his head, getting out of the water to go sit with Marissa, very close, and the old man flails his way a little further away, so Jimmy and Sally are pretty much alone. The water's not even deep enough to go over her head, where she is, so she's just jumping in place and hitting the water with her hands, apparently trying to send as much of it splashing as possible. After a little while of this, she stops, and gives Jimmy an expectant look. He blinks again, glad that she's stopped, but not at all understanding why she's looking at him.

She huffs and sits down in the water, with another splash. "What good is a moat if there aren't any snakes, or turtles, or birds, or anything?" Jimmy thinks the moat is plenty good enough, since it's wet and cool, and there's even a part shaded by the castle if you don't want to sit in the sun. Sally seems to want a lot of things that don't make any sense, though, so he's not very surprised. When he doesn't respond again, she hits the water with both hands. "It's boring. So boring! How can you just sit there in the water like that, Freaky Foot?"

He tilts his head out of the water just far enough that he can speak. "It'th wet. And nithe." (("It's wet. And nice."))

His answer apparently isn't what she was looking for, because she slaps the water once more and stomps off toward where the old man went. Jimmy watches her go, before closing his eyes to just bask in the warmth and the wet. It doesn't matter what Sally thinks, as far as Jimmy's concerned, the moat is wet and nice and perfect.

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