i'm in scotland... again
I left sunny San Diego at 2PM on the 3rd of September, knowing that I had this shittastic itinerary ahead of me:
2:05 - 8:55 (4 hour flight) Leave San Diego for Chicago
9:50 - 11:50 (5 hour flight) Leave Chicago for London
315 - 445 (3 and a half hour layover; 1 hour 30 flight) Leave London for Ediburgh
~25 minutes Get a bus from airport to Edinburgh Waverly train station
~ 45 minutes Get train from Edinburgh to Stirling
~ 15 minutes Walk to Niall's flat
The flight to Chicago would have been uneventful, except for the fact that my new roommate Shanley, called wondering if I would get the carpets cleaned. Then, I tried to get all my old roommates (who, along with me, lived in our apartment and made it dirty) to divide the carpet cleaning by four. Of course they refused (none of my friends did it, i don't have money, why would she want the carpet cleaned anyway?), so I'm panicking because not only do I have to manage to get a carpet cleaned while I'm in Scotland... I have to pay for it myself. Finally, the new tennant and I decide to split it. After a lot of phone tag, I finally sort it out.
My flight from Chicago to London was quite nice. I was impressed that the movie selection was good. I was able to sit through Sex in the City and Oceans 13 (which I had watched when I was pretty fucked up so it was nice to watch it while understanding everything), and was really sad that I missed watching Son of Rambow (not to be confused with the new Rambo movie) because I figured i should nap to in order not to be jetlagged.
I get through London and had to go through immigration. Then I got drilled by the immigration officer who asked me a ton of questions (Where does your boyfriend go to school? Why are you going while school is going on for him? Where is your return ticket?) before he let me go. It turned out that him and his wife had a long distance relationship as well and he told me to tell niall to start writing love letters because it would be nice to look at it a few years later. I haven't suggested the idea yet... but I won't be waiting at the mailbox for letters. (I should give him credit though: He's actually better than me with all that stuff).
Realizing that I couldn't chance because you can't arrive before your luggage, I decide to go to the duty free. I make friends with Ricardo, a bartender that was giving free drinks of Saphire Gin at the Duty Free. Although you were only allowed to get one, he decided to use me as a tester for all his drinks and gave me five cocktails (I think). I ended up getting really drunk with... COOLIO.
In case you forgot:
Click to view
Coolio was on his way to Milan for his European tour. (Yes exactly what I was thinking, Coolio was still touring!?) He was every bit as sleezy as I imagined. Not only did he attempt to get my number numerous times and was hinting at going to a more private area of Heathrow, he took my picture with his SIDEKICK. (Now if gangsters get his phone, they'll attack me. Dammit.) Not to be discriminate, he also hit on all the other girls - underage or not and shared many a private detail about his lovelife, including his crazy rich Jamaican ex-girlfriend from London. (He was a bit drunk as well).
Hopped on the flight to Edinburgh increadibly drunk and chatty. Jump on the bus to the trainstation and get stuck in the only traffic jam ever known to Edinburgh. Find out that my phone that I topped up (thats added credit to for all you) was no longer working so I went to Carphone Warehouse to try and figure it out. Ended up finding out my phone was disconnected so got a new number that can work all over Europe.
Get on a late train. Make it to Stirling around 8:30PM, where Niall picked me up at the train station with flowers (He had actually arrived an hour earlier, found out I was coming late, walked home and came back).
And that's where the storyteller died. (Traditional Zimbabwian way of ending a story - I forgot which tribe though)