
Feb 15, 2005 09:02

Oh man ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

shopping_city February 16 2005, 10:45:11 UTC
I used to not think that red velvet was the best cake until I had a really good piece of red velvet cake and now I think I agree with Ken. What were you talking about when you said you were doing it again? I'm always killing time at work, but I don't get my work done and I've started falling way behind.


cake picklejuice1 February 16 2005, 13:35:10 UTC
I have never had red velvet cake...and because it comes highly recommended by the two of you i feel as if i am missing out. I was talking about relationships, and how its like seeing something terrible and knowing that you should look away and yet you are drawn to it and can't stop looking and finding out more. What kind of work do you do Nick? i think we should start finding bored rich people who will pay us to hang out with them so we don't have to work. Which brings me to the question, How the hell does Mark O'donnell not have a job and yet has the money to go all over the place and hang out and go to shows and pay for gas for his car and insurance for his car now that i think of it? I can't believe its 8:30am and i'm kind of admitting i am jealous of mark....


Re: cake shopping_city February 17 2005, 05:02:25 UTC
Make sure it's GOOD red velvet cake or don't bother. Maybe it's just the name and appearance of the cake that is so appealing. I do data entry. I have a big stack of papers with info I'm supposed to enter into a database sitting next to me, and it's getting huge.
Mark is really good at saving his money. I don't know if he pays his own car insurance. He probably does because he tries to be pretty independent to compensate for living with his parents. He just started working again though. When he works he works a lot, sometimes two jobs at once, plus he doesn't have to pay rent, which a few hundred dollars a month that he's saving (I pay $500). So the only expenses he has are the ones you mentioned. I won't say he's cheap, but he's pretty money-conscious. I don't know if I'm jealous or just impressed.


Re: cake picklejuice1 February 17 2005, 13:36:27 UTC
yes, now that i have the full explanation i would say i am impressed more than jealous. Is this red velvet cake actually red? all the cakes i have looked up are chocolate and nothing about them is red. I don't get it.


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