Title: Disco King Characters: Neville Prompt: None Rating: G Notes: What Neville does in his room back at home when nobody is watching. Don't ask me what on earth possessed me to draw this. I have no idea.
lol! OMG! I just love the fact that there's a portrait of GINNY FREAKING WEASLEY on his WALL!!!!!! aslkjldfk!!! <333!!! super cute. and I adore him for keeping his toys. ^__^
^_^ Lovely! Thanks for sharing. I too had a look at the rest of your posts and they're all great. The fish bowl is just too cute, as well as the portrait of Ginny in the heartshaped frame hiding behind his bedside table. ^^
Comments 7
The fish bowl is just too cute, as well as the portrait of Ginny in the heartshaped frame hiding behind his bedside table. ^^
Neville is such a cute and interesting character to me, he's one of my faves! You've gotta wonder what he does in his spare time...
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