tomorrow i leave for NYC yay last night was fun but why do people whore my friends away? huh WHY lol omg ruby tuesdays make me sick and then GIRL SCOUT COOKIES! ugh NYC tomorrow hell yea im so excited list of things i want to see world trade center cbgbs canal street the ocean times square !!!! leave me some loving im still deprived of it
"She didn't know. She yawned. She was sleepy. It was too much. Nobody could tell. Noboy would ever tell. It was all over. She was eighteen and most lovely, and lost."
damn it i hate when boys text me and talk about degrassi that is one of my obvious weaknesses i hate when i do this to myself it seems like i find the perfect guy for me and the most horrible time ever what the hell am i supposed to do?! <3 leave me some lovin i need some from someone thats not gay