tips from your mod

Aug 15, 2009 08:46

voting tips
I've noticed these past two rounds that some of you are having trouble voting. I haven't replied to everyone's comments that I should have, in order to fix some votes, but I want to remedy that now.

Voting is an extremely important part of a LIMS competition. I know sometimes it's a pain, especially when you have to vote for so many icons each Challenge, but receiving critique and criticism is the best way to learn how to get better.

A lot of votes have been pretty short and concise, and sometimes that's ok, but sometimes it's not. I find myself asking people to elaborate more, or further explain what they meant. The best thing I can tell you is to ask yourself: why?

- It's a bad crop. Why? Are the person's eyes cut off? Is it too far away? Does it make the subject blurry? Is it too close to be able to tell what it is? What is it, specifically, that makes the crop bad?

- It's too plain. Why? Sometimes, less is more. Giving a vote of "it's too plain" will not be accepted... you need to explain why plain/simple is bad. Is the crop boring? Is the coloring dull? What is it, specifically, that the maker could have done to make it less plain?

- It's oversharpened or blurry. Why? Where? Everyone's monitors are different, so to some people the icon might not look blurry or oversharpened. Is the person's face blurry? Are the edges too sharp? What is it, specifically, about the icon that is too sharp or too blurry?

I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. I'm not trying to be rude or condescending, I'm only trying to help. And I'm letting you know that you might receive a comment from me asking to elaborate on your vote, so please check your e-mail for notifications (or if those are turned off, come back to the voting post and check if I've replied to your vote).

The two most important things to remember when voting: Ask yourself WHY? and BE SPECIFIC!!

If you have anything you'd like to comment on, or add to this, please leave a comment! They are unscreened, so others will be able to read any other advice or questions you might have. Thanks!

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