I hoped I'd get this finished tonight, but no. Maybe tomorrow. Nearly at the village, but for some reason the path put a hill right in my way. 224 words.
The little climb up through the crags turned out to be quite nice, just a slanting path through a gap, and it should have been quite a pleasant end to the day. But it was weirdly dark - darker than it had been an hour later the day before - and as I climbed up towards the mast at the top of the hill I discovered why, as it started to pour.
Comments 49
The little climb up through the crags turned out to be quite nice, just a slanting path through a gap, and it should have been quite a pleasant end to the day. But it was weirdly dark - darker than it had been an hour later the day before - and as I climbed up towards the mast at the top of the hill I discovered why, as it started to pour.
no words, but I did at least have a chance to talk to a friend about ideas for the zine fic
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