Yesterday Georgia celebrated her 2-week old birthday with a pediatrician visit and a new trick.
First happy: she's not only back up to her birthweight, but has surpassed it, now weighing 9 lbs 0oz. Yay, milk! She's very healthy and doing well. We're to return for her 2-month check-up at which the poking begins. Doc and I discussed alternative vaccination schedule pros and cons, and I think I'm figuring out what we're going to do.
Second happy: during a bit of tummy time AND witnessed by my brother and sister-in-law, Georgia rolled from her stomach to her back, all by herself! I'm so excited.
. . .
In other baby news, her feeding schedule seems to be changing. Seems she only wants about 15 minutes from one side before she's done. This morning I used the pump for the second real time, and it's still weird. I feel like a dairy cow.