i resized these and then uploaded and apparently didn't actually resize, but i don't feel like going back through and adjusting them, so, sorry about that.
also, i don't like taking pictures at shows because it takes away from me just enjoying the show, but i also wanted to document, so these pictures suck.
Rady has better shots. go check his out:
first day second daymore on flickr Sept 2nd and 3rd yep
obviously in West Hollywood
surprisingly clean subway
Rady lives on this street. It's weird.
Rady's landlords are scientologists. This is one of their cats. He's called Earl.
at FYF...
the glasses from the front
The comedians!
Baron Vaughn
Garfunkel and Oates
David Cross
The terrible hair!
terrible hair decision #1
Terrible hair decision #2
The bands!
sleigh bells... i think
The Faint
The Men
Cloud Nothings
Fucked Up
dirty dirty festival feet
Nick Waterhouse
King Khan and The Shrines
Rady and a forest fire
waiting for Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt
Rady and Dinosaur Jr.
Henry Rollins rocking out to Dinosaur Jr.
the end of FYF
yep... obligatory scarf pict
LA from above
black rock desert... home of burning man... the U shape is hard to make out from the picture, but right before we flew over i was like, hmmm, i wonder if i'll be able to see. i looked out the window at the right moment. the festival ended on sunday and this was tuesday, so most people were gone.
the whole dessert view
Mt. Hood and Portland from above... home ♥