Title: The Fifth Horseman
Author: Vambrace
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Character death (sort of), m/m sex, incest, angst, possible blasphemy, spoilers for all seasons
Disclaimer: If I owned any of these people I would be off playing with them instead of writing slash
Word Count: 13,210
Summary: Sam has no contact with his soul. Death offers to share his powers with Dean to protect Sam, but Dean has to choose: stay with Sam? or leave him to protect him? There’s only one choice possible for Dean.
ART: Beautiful art by insane songbird:
insane-songbird.livejournal.com/104068.html Part 1:
vambrace.livejournal.com/46589.html Part 2:
vambrace.livejournal.com/46630.html Part 3:
vambrace.livejournal.com/47527.html Part 4: