I usually don't remember my dreams, and if I do, only bits and snatches. Well the bit that I remember from last nights dream was highly odd. . . and full of ratties.
There was some kind of natural disaster (or maybe just a serious lazy slob attack that lasted a while, I dunno), and the house was completely torn up. Mind you, this wasn't my little crackerbox palace house, but this large, rambling, extra-spatial place that I usually have as a "home" setting in my dreams.
So, I go into one of the rat rooms (yeah, in my dream home, I have several rat rooms, and I move the cage from one to another as the mood hits), and the cage is on the floor, rats everywhere (again, odd, since I only ever have my same rats in my dream). I pick up the cage and start putting things back together, and the boys start climbing up my legs to get back into the cage. Cool, right?
Where's Feet? I panic. I do a head count. There are 27 boys in the cage (my FN has developed an odd "double wideness", and my 4 boys are cloned apparently). No Feet. He's missing. He's my heart, so I can NOT lose him. I start to tear through the piles of flotsam and jetsam littering the floor. Ahhhhh . . . there he is.
Pick up Mr. Feet, I'm all happy and I snuggle him and burry my face in his rather stinky (what do I care) fur. There's something dangling from his tummy.
It's a pinkie.
I look down, and there is a whole nest of pinkies.
Then I see the ones with fur, but eyes closed.
Looking further, I find a shoe box full of rags and maybe 4 week old boys.
There are baby rats ALL OVER! Feet is looking so proud and just boggles away as I find nest after nest.
My first thought is "I only have boys! Where did all these babies come from???" Then "I gotta tell Sonja that I won't be needing to adopt any of her HoT rats after all!"
I laid down, and was swarmed by all these little guys (they were ALL male), all kissy and snuggly and playful. It was so relaxing and wonderful.
Then I felt a claw in my chest. That kinda hurt. And it happened again.
The pain brought me awake, since it was real. Thalia, my girl-cat, was sitting on my chest, digging one claw in at a time and purring her fool head off.
The End