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Comments 28

quodpersortem August 13 2011, 09:51:18 UTC

;___; where are you


quodpersortem August 13 2011, 09:58:20 UTC
dkflkasdjf;asdlfj and this story is so good and so sweet and so ic mike omg mike. harvey too but omg mike. i miss mike most i think (and pajadams and you)


(The comment has been removed)

pidgeoned August 13 2011, 12:33:42 UTC
ahaha. i'm saving myself for the nunnery. sorry! D:


chibibble February 10 2012, 06:52:36 UTC
NO. ffs, no. I love you (see icon) and your wondrous, wondrous fromance (sismance sounded wrong, I'm going for friendshipmance) with quodpersortem and all the fic produced within the lovechild of your brains.

At least be a sexy nun, c'mon.
Sexy pr0nz-writing nun.


pidgeoned February 12 2012, 13:30:18 UTC
i haven't been on lj in agesss as tumblr has taken over my life but i had to go back to reply to this. haha i am neither a nun nor sexy but am super glad you enjoyed the fic! :D


forthel0veof August 13 2011, 14:15:24 UTC
Well this was just... everything anyone could've asked for and more. Hot damn. You have their characterizations down just right and it was so sexy (mmmm kitchen sex mmmm). I am obsessed with this.


musical_emjay August 13 2011, 16:15:12 UTC
Ohhhh, this was lovely. The mood was perfect, such a wonderful balance between lazy and a little bit frantic. So many delicious visuals, and so much kissing yessss *__*


OP here! slashfanatic22 August 13 2011, 16:29:47 UTC
I LOVE YOU!!!!! This was seriously amazing and sexy and adorable and just fucking PERFECT!! Thank you SO much for filling it!! :D


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