Good morning my peeps. Long time no see.
Yes, I have realised it is tuesday and yes, by all rights i should have been at work over an hour ago. But I'm not. I'm sitting at home in my pjs listening to jack johnson/john mayer/van morrison and feeling like spring. Missing you all. Missing quiet times and lame times and laughing times. I heard Tiny Dancer on the radio yesterday and it makes me wonder how I got to here. How everything except working and sleeping and dancing seem so far away. My blue eyed boy reminding me what its like just to chill - car rides to the beach with the music up and the sunroof open, coconut and mango cakes gobbled in our swimmers, falling asleep in the sun in my backyard. Im restless. I want a sun tan. I want an adventure. I want a hug. I want to get in a car and turn up in some other place. A place of fresh bread and blue skies, frangipani trees and strawberry frappes. I want summer. I want freedom.
Tell me about you. What is everyone doing? What's going on? I know nothing about anyones lives, george-style, i propose a solution. you guessed it - a QUIZ!
1. What is the best thing about uni/work atm?
2. The worst?
3. The piece of clothing your mum has to wrestle off you to wash?
4. Favourite Idol contestant?
5. Contestant you hate so much you and your siblings mimick their singing till the neighbours complain? (Or is Idol just a family affair in my house?!)
6. Cd that never leaves the player?
7. Last movie you saw? Like it?
8. Most exciting upcoming event?
9. Last thing you got in the mail?
That's all folks...Happy Tuesday!