Well all i have to say is i loooove tina!
Even tho I'm more jealous of her than anyone ever
But she's still my best friend/cousin/*lova*/ sister by heart
and I love her more than anything.
Just thought I'd let everyone kno again.
These are from over the summer. That day was so much fun, I love you Tina very very much!
Sorry, they turned out kinda icky but what can ya do?
Well lately school = blows but what's new?
hmm nothing. I suck at life, dont try to tell me any different cuz how would you kno? hmm yea.
But my 5th hour- I like fucking live for that class. Tia and I have a blast. were just super duper silly. <3
hmm I havent totally blew ass in Geometry - yet.
Bieske is sucha lameass i swear, he voice annoys the hell out of me.
In spanish I like want to die everyday. Its so horrible. My teacher oh god dont get me started. and on top of all that I sit RIGHT in the front. how fun.
Okay that's enough bitching and complaining for today.
OHH i might get a job! Im kinda excited cuz i really want/need money.
I might work at the Rec with kaylyn. Shes already sweet and has a job so I want one also! :-)
It would be fun I guess...
okay comment kiddos!!