Yes, I still love you, you moron! And this fic, jesus christ...have i ever mentioned my ridiculous fondness for surprise!Cassadee? ...and Mikey and Gee.... and Joe. and basically everyone, actually.. ♥ Oh! and this exchange: “Oh my god,” Patrick says.
“Is that a good ‘oh my god’?” Pete wants to know. “Like, an ‘Oh my god take me now’?”
“It was an ‘Oh my god why did Mikey give me to you,’ actually,” Patrick clarifies.
I'm doing this as I go - Constant Vigilance! omg please tell me Andy was channeling Mad Eye Moody there! and Andy and Pete having two VERY different conversations haha. “I feel like this is too profound for early morning conversation,” Joe says. “Hold on a sec, let me light up a joint.” - just - ha. and the description of Gabe and not trusting his judgement! Oh this is just a perfect mix of hilarious and adorable!
Comments 2
Oh! and this exchange: “Oh my god,” Patrick says.
“Is that a good ‘oh my god’?” Pete wants to know. “Like, an ‘Oh my god take me now’?”
“It was an ‘Oh my god why did Mikey give me to you,’ actually,” Patrick clarifies.
“I feel like this is too profound for early morning conversation,” Joe says. “Hold on a sec, let me light up a joint.” - just - ha. and the description of Gabe and not trusting his judgement! Oh this is just a perfect mix of hilarious and adorable!
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