1) Don't really mess around with YouTube much, except to view that which you link to me, but if I'm not mistaken it's streamed, flash media. You can't "save target" or anything like that. Whether YouTube offers downloads to members or not, I haven't a clue.
2) Power Point -> Menu Bar -> Insert -> Movies and Sounds -> Movie from File. That's using Office 2003.
well, you're not supposed to save from youtube, since it's streaming media. however, since I hate streaming media, I try to find ways to get around it.
Comments 2
2) Power Point -> Menu Bar -> Insert -> Movies and Sounds -> Movie from File. That's using Office 2003.
This site is the best way I found for getting a hard copy of a video from youtube on my computer. Except you have to have an .flv player for it (which apparently, is not flash player, which I already had). But I got one of the free ones, which isn't bad. And I'm sure there's a way to convert .flv videos into mpags and avis, but I've been too lazy to find a program for it.
And I have no idea about putting a video into powerpoint. My only guess would be to have the video "saved" and put it in there like you would a picture. But I've never tried, so I don't know.
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