Tutorials oo1

Jul 20, 2007 05:50



Only in Photoshop 7. Sorry, PSD downloads needed!


You can download the PSDs here.

Alright lets get started, shall we?

  • First and foremost, you my friends will need a base! Mine is of Haruhi, Yuki, and Mikuru from my favorite Animanga, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya! Your probably going to want to use a PNG for this tutorial because your going to be deleting the background to add the texture.

  • Like I said, we can delete the background layer now. Don't know how? I'll show you! Go up to your layer's pallet, and click Layer.

  • Layer>New>Background From Layer. Now you can take your eraser tool and get rid of the background. Simple, no?

  • What I did was add a texture from a texture pack called, Scrappy. But you can use any pattern-like texture that you have laying around/like. ( If you know who made the Scrappy pack, please say so, so I can credit.)

  • This is optional, but as you can see I added a white outline behind the girls. If you want to do this I'll show you how.

  • Make a new blank layer, and put it behind your base. Take your Freeform Pen Tool from you Tool pallet. Setting should be as the fallowing:

  • Now just outline your image. Make it however you want, but it's more fun if the outline is kind a crazy like.

  • Okay once your done with that, change you pallet color to FFFFFF and use your brush tool, size 1. Outline the lines from the Freeform Pen. When your done with that you can get rid of the lines by clicking on the opposite pen

  • Next, fill your outline with FFFFFF and fix anything that needs fixing.

  • Now for the more easer stuff! Duplicate your base layer and set to Soft Light at 100%.

  • New layer time. Fill with 010A29 Exclusion 50% and drag between the two base layers.

  • Downloaded the PSDs I gave you? Good! Time to use them. Well, the one saved as “Tut_PSD1”. Alright, open it and slap it on your icon. It should be above all your other layers. I hope it looks alright on your icon.

  • PSD1 is done and over with! Now its time to make a new layer and fill it with 4A84E2 Soft Light at 30%.

  • New layer fill with EFD16A Overlay 12%.

  • New layer fill with E291B2 Soft Light 50%.

  • Okay go back down to your base layer, duplicate it, drag it to the top and set to Soft Light on 40% or leave it as it is.

  • New layer fill with 010A29 Exclusion 50%.

  • More PSD time. Take the second PSD I gave you and open it. Slap it on!

  • Last step, I used a light texture I found on DeviantART. I think it's by

  • And your done! Add anything you want to your new icon. I have text, and a text less, but this one has a scratch texture on it.


Check back soon for more Tutorials! ;D

Also, I love to see results/comments and such for my work! Haruhi likes them, and they make me very happy! <33

the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya, icons, photoshop, tutorials

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