Adela's Bio (the_love_hotel)

Aug 27, 2011 01:15


Name: Adela Milani
Age: 16 (Birthdate April 16th)
Height: 158 cm ( 5'2" )
Hair: Length reaches to small of back, thick, vibrant red
Eyes: Heterochromic. Left eye is Brown, right eye is Green
Body: Small frame. Small bust with thin hips. Naturally pale, but tanned due to plenty of outdoor activity. Small scars all over her body. Six larger scars from being impaled, three on each side of her body (one on each of her sides, one over her heart). Back is almost bare, large scars aside.
Personaliy: Tomboyish, somewhat abraisive, rude, curious, cautious, somewhat short-tempered, hormonal, sympathetic, honorable, strong sense of morality, honest, loyal.
- Piercing - Adela can pierce almost any material with her bare hands and a small exertion of her power with ease, although some materials can not be cut using her power alone. However, this power can be increased if used through a medium that is naturally sharp, such as a sword. Her power manifests in what looks like a black, shadowy flame on her body. This is a sign that her power is almost ready to activate, and when it's gone it can be assumed that her power is inactive. It should be noted that over-exertion of this power can be extremely dangerous to both her and anyone near her and, in fact, has the potential to kill her.
- Sensing - To a small degree, Adela can sense energy within others and where they are, within a range of ten meters (thirty feet). She can also sense properties, such as the 'light' and 'darkness' within a person (although thanks to her encounters in the hotel this now means jack shit to her), as well as gain some idea of just how much power the person she's sensing might have. This power is still in development and has the potential to grow further.
- Energy Blasts - After her encounter with Lucifer, Adela has gained the ability to summon spheres of energy and fire them as projectile weapons. She has mastered this ability after months of practice and can summon spheres at will.
- Barrier Craft - After her encounter with Lucifer, Adela has gained the ability to create barriers capable of withstanding similarly-propertied attacks. Unlike with energy blasts, Adela still has quite a lot of trouble with this skill and sometimes fails to erect even the smallest trace of a shield, although recently she has gotten better with this skill. She is currently working on mastering it.
Skills: Adela is a swordswoman of considerable skill and speed, having practiced for years under her master, Selwyn. Her style is one that favours reversals and several quick strikes before aiming a powerful blow to finish the job. Her sword, forged by her master and herself, is a smaller version of a Claymore blade, light enough for her to use one-handed but still sturdy enough to be an effective weapon. It should also be noted that Adela is ambidexterous, although she favours using her right hand for her sword simply because that was how she was taught to use it.



Adela resided in a world most relatable to modern day Earth, in the country of Italy. However similar her world is to most however, there are a few key differences;

- Fire-arms never caught on as an effective weapon. Although explosive and/or flammable powders are still occasionally weaponized, they are mostly used for recreational fire works and emergency flares.
- People with various supernatural abilities began appearing in recorded history in the late 1400s, during the Rose Wars in England. It is unknown whether or not these people existed before then, but this was the first known record where they have been effectively utilized as military units for countries around the world.
- Today, almost everyone in Adela's world has some sort of supernatural ability, including but not limited to;
----- Telekinesis
----- Abnormal Strength
----- Invulnerability (eiher for the person exclusively or through the creation of tangible barriers)
----- Element transformation (IE re-forming steel from one form to another)
----- Mind-reading
----- Flight
----- Intangibility
----- Invisibility
- Bladed weapons are still in popular use as military tools, domestic enforcement aids and sports equipment.
- Some people have been recorded as having more than one ability, but although these people are becoming more common it is still a somewhat-rare occurence.
- Abilities are registered in national databases worldwide upon someone awakening to their ability, usually at puberty.
- Abilities are universally ranked from classes A to H, a Class H ability being something considered relatively harmless to others on its own (for example, flight) and Class A being something generally thought of as dangerous to the user and to anyone around the user (manipulating fire at will, for instance).

Addiontal notes about Adela's world will be brought up as necessary as this is still a work in progress. If you have any questions, feel free to comment and I'll do my best to answer them!



Adela is a teenage girl of fifteen, born into riches and always provided with the best eduation money could buy. However, it can also be said that her life has been anything but easy. Adela's mother and father run a medical equipment company that is said to be the lead in medical treatment technology, always innovating and creating new ways to help people who need any kind of medical attention. That company is currently researching the use of stem cells from induviduals known to be immune to any of the world's diseases in order to try and synthesize a universal vaccine for human beings. So far, without success. Just before they started this project, they had twin daughters Adela and Axelia. Although they were devoted parents at first, they got so lost in research and living in positions of great influence that they instead started to see their daughters as tools to help progress their social status and therefore earn more support and funding for their ultimate project. By the time her and her twin sister were age three, her parents had grown too busy with their work to focus on anything but business and research. It was almost as if they had forgotten the joy their children had brought them when they were born.

While Adela was young, she was made to made to study intensely almost all of the time. She grew to hate it as the years went by, having been forced away from any recreational activities she enjoyed more and more. On the other hand, she also took up swordplay with a teacher who would become probably the most influential figure in her life, Selwyn. However, Adela's father in particular did not approve of her taking on such a boyish sport (or spending so much time on it for that matter) and continued to try and push her into more refined activities, mostly relating to her academics (in particular biology). It was this push that sparked rebellion in the impressionable young Adela and she started to have vehement dislike for her father. And her father, seeing that his daughter would be too much of a wild mare to truly tame, turned to her sister and started to use her as the catalyst to his and his wife's ambitions.

One day during middle school, things became quite serious. A boy who had been harassing Adela provoked her into a fight, and with a single punch she sent him to the ground. Normally, this wouldn't be cause for alarm beyond a conference between the parents and teachers. But that punch did something it shouldn't have; it left a hole in the boy's cheek, almost as if he had been stabbed. There was a long investigation process where, several times, Adela was searched for a knife and questioned about possible homicidal tendencies. Eventually the investigation led to looking into the development of unnatural powers, some tests being performed to show just what her potential was. It was easily proven to have been the case that, in that moment of anger and frustration, Adela had awoken a dormant power by accident. Without realizing it consciously, had gained the power to pierce almost any material with her bare hands.

Because of one hell of a good lawyer, Adela was freed from any charge regarding stabbing her classmate. But the damage was done and the reputation of her parents suffered immensely. They almost lost all funding for their vaccination project and, without the guarantee to make certain that Adela would not even accidentally do such things again, they would have. Her father was on the verge of sending her away to military school, hoping that it would serve to both teach her to control her ability and stamp out any rebellion that she had shown in the past.

Selwyn, Adela's then long-time swordsmanship tutor, intervened with his own suggestion. He offered to take Adela to the northern part of the country and live there until Adela turned eighteen, acting as her guardian until then. Her mother was against it, thinking that they would only look worse if they sent their daughter away like that. But her father was insistent on having Adela leave and not distract her sister Axelia, as well as making certain that she wouldn't cause any trouble. And, although she seemed adverse to the idea, truthfully Adela would have loved nothing more.

After about a month of debate and planning, Adela was moved to a small town in northern Italy wih Selwyn. She was thirteen at the time.

Two years had passed since then, and although Adela still had rough mannerisms and attitude, she had calmed down considerably from the girl who would punch someone simply for looking at her the wrong way. She was noticably happier, more compliant with the requests of others and more trusting of the people in her life, particularly Selwyn. Although not biologically related to her, Selwyn was just about the best example of a parental figure she could have asked for (as well as one heck of a great swordsman and teacher).

During this time, she also managed to learn more about her ability (previously ranked as a Class C), as well as having picked up the ability to sense the presence of others (Class H).Whether her secondary ability will evolve and develop is uncertain, but she has learned how to control her primary piercing ability and even has figured out how to channel it through a sword in order to enhance the weapon's cutting power. But, most importantly, she learned how the power activated, along with how to supress it to the point where keeping it hidden was second nature. Although the training was hard and it was sometimes just as hard to get the top grades of her class on top of that... She was, quite honestly, content with life.



Adela's first experiences in the hotel were not pleasant in the least. She still thought she could take on the world, so it was a surprise when she was dominated so completely in her first few encounters. Although she grew somewhat used to the environment, it never stopped her from being homesick or from fighting her body's strange erotic impulses.

What was surprising for her, however, was her encounter with a man who had impaled her on his sword faster than she could blink. She barely had time to process that she was stabbed in her side before she was again impaled, this time with the blade cutting straight through her heart. And, when she awoke a few hours later, it was with nothing but bloodied and torn clothes, a sore body and four scars as proof of her encounter. That experience taught Adela several things, like how the hotel wouldn't let her die if it wanted her to stay alive and that dying hurts like a son of a bitch. But, the most important thing it had taught her was humility.

Before, Adela had been exceedingly proud of her skills with the sword, and had been confident to the point of arrogance that no one would be able to rival her or do anyhing to her body that she didn't want them to. It took death to make her realize how foolish she was, that she was now in a world where she could be considered weak and vulnerable. It made her realize that there were monsters in the hotel with the strength of gods whereas she, as strong as she might have been, was only a human being.

The friendship of a man described as a SOLDIER, who she could have easily considered one of those monsters, helped her slowly begin to recover from her experience. Although she experienced death again (and, not long after, the most brutal rape of her life), she began to return to her old self; seemingly arrogant, always putting on a tough face, and downright rude. But at the same time, things changed; she was also more cautious, caring to those who seemed like they needed the help (although if asked, she'd deny it was kindness to the end of the world), and more honest with those she honestly trusted. She even confessed to having fledgeling romantic feelings towards one man, who previously she had said she wanted dead. All in all, she was growing to become a more gentle person.

But, things didn't last like that. She began having confrontations again and, having been labelled as being fickle and dishonest, she began to take a good long look at herself. She saw someone who was pathetic, who couldn't handle things as they came or stop those with ill intents from doing as they pleased with her. At that time, she had spend nine months in the hotel, with her sixteenth birthday dawning a new possiblity for her.

Lucifer, the fallen angel, came across her path that day with the offer of a gift, a gift that would give her power. Naturally Adela was skeptical, pressing him for details and finding that the only catch was that this new power would be something she would have to discover on her own. Even then she still had her reservations, but her desire to regain her self respect won and she accepted.

While training with her sword, she was surprised when a beam of purple-white light shot out of her sword and went across the lake. A winged man, Dark, witnessed this and approached Adela mere moments later, revealing that the power was once his and that he would offer to help her hone and understand it. The offer was accepted, although any actual lessons would be put on hold until Adela could prove that she could control and effectively weild her new strength with little effort.

Although she had come close, something happened to destroy her motivation to continue training with that power, or to do anything beyond stubbornly performing self-destructive means to remind herself that she was still alive; her sword had been eaten by a man with many eyes before proceeding to use her and thoroughly convince her that she was nothing more than a worthless tool.

To this day she still struggles to get over that hurdle, to free herself of this mentality. But, one thing was engrained into her mind as she continued to scar her body further to try and ignore the pain of her mind; she could no longer trust anyone. No one would be there for her, no one would be there to help without wanting something in return, and she would never return home with her only real treasure having been taken from her.

LAST UPDATED: August 27, 2011


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