comment count

Apr 08, 2008 10:56

- you know what, I've apped way too many characters, so let me just, uh, cut this. Kyou is awesome, as always.

Auel Neider #1 (auel_fixation): 1,493 comments (1.52%), played from 2005-05-05 to 2005-09-20 (139 days at 11 comments/day)

Heine Westenfluss (heine_sight): 17,506 comments (17.84%), played from 2005-06-03 to 2006-08-06 (430 days at 41 comments/day)

Yuuki Nao (ob_durate): 116 comments (0.12%), played from 2005-07-05 to 2005-08-03 (30 days at 4 comments/day)

Lacus Clyne #1 (mizu_no_akashi): 843 comments (0.86%), played from 2005-08-03 to 2005-11-11 (101 days at 8 comments/day)

Robert Haydn (_higher_): 19,780 comments (20.16%), played from 2005-10-10 to 2007-08-01 (661 days at 30 comments/day)

Anon (homphgomph): 3,055 comments (3.11%), played from 2005-11-21 to 2006-09-10 (293 days at 10 comments/day)

Jay the Unseen (chizakura): 1,171 comments (1.19%), played from 2006-02-28 to 2006-06-30 (122 days at 10 comments/day)

Sakuraba Haruto (haphazardace): 24,145 comments (24.61%), played since 2006-06-16 (663 days at 36 comments/day)

Kakei Shun (high_wave): 2,350 comments (2.40%), played from 2006-09-09 to 2007-03-20 (193 days at 12 comments/day)

Karakuchi Kouji (shadowedprodigy): 362 comments (0.37%), played from 2006-11-04 to 2007-01-15 (73 days at 5 comments/day)

Miles Edgeworth (attorneyatlol): 6,915 comments (7.05%), played since 2006-12-28 (468 days at 15 comments/day)

Sohma Akito (deusvobiscum): 969 comments (0.99%), played from 2007-02-24 to 2007-09-16 (204 days at 5 comments/day)

Sasaki Koutarou (kickoptionthree): 1,506 comments (1.53%), played from 2007-04-20 to 2007-09-01 (135 days at 11 comments/day)

Li Shunsheng / Hei (darkasthe): 8,952 comments (9.12%), played since 2007-06-10 (304 days at 29 comments/day)

Sanada Akihiko (fistfirst): 4,474 comments (4.56%), played since 2007-09-16 (206 days at 22 comments/day)

Dist the Reaper (gonnagetreaped): 651 comments (0.66%), played from 2007-12-16 to 2008-03-15 (90 days at 7 comments/day)

Toudou Heisuke (countyourchikns): 1,665 comments (1.70%), played since 2008-01-05 (95 days at 18 comments/day)

Xerxes Break (pierrotlafraude): 2,162 comments (2.20%), played since 2008-03-04 (36 days at 60 comments/day)

Total comment count: 98,115 since 2005-05-05 (1070 days at 92 comments/day)


- Edgeworth went up 1000 comments since the last time I did this meme. For a backburner/secondary of mine, this is really good. ... it's even more hilarious when you realize that most of these comments are from the last month, uh. Oops. In other words, no, he's not getting dropped any time soon.

- Hei slipped, but this isn't surprising since he's been more backburner-y lately. I am, uh, surprised that Akihiko also went up by about a thousand comments!

- Generally, if someone doesn't break 1k in the first month, then that's probably a sign that they're not gonna last with me, huh.

- Break did 2k in his first month. ... I blame my cast. :(d ♥


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