I promised you guys I'd show you what I put into my portfolio. So finally I got off my lazy ass and scanned everything! *applause*
I used my sister's Blythe Silver Snow as reference...doesn't really look like her...looks more like the draft drawings they do of the Blythes before they are made.
I don't like the composition of this one :P I hadn't relaly thought it out properly but I like the cats
I like this one :D Was so easy to colour haha
"The red dress"
The only digital piece I put in. I was going to put in some more but I ran out of time :P
"Sini Puu"
I used an old sketch to base this painting on...I'm so bad at painting as you can see from this picture x_x
"Sleeping Sloths"
I love sloths XD Probably cos I'm so sloth like myself lol
"The dog"
This took about half an hour to make lol but I love the outcome, simple but nice to look at
"The sky is falling"
My favourite *3*
This is from a 4 picture set I made for a friend's birthday about a year ago.
Same as above :P