THE SUITABLE FEW (w / King Farook + Bordello)

Apr 20, 2006 19:40

THE SUITABLE FEW (w / King Farook + Bordello)
Bull & Bush
Thursday March 30

First band on was Bordello from Melbourne, Victoria (although the singer informs us that the drummer is from Adelaide and DJ Dan is from Sydney). The guitar was utterly funky, the main vocalist rapped and sang with equal vigour as well as incorporating a tambourine and other percussion in some parts of songs. The drummer had something other than your typical drum-kit with congas and other funky percussion instruments in his set up. The extremely talented DJ also drummed a bit of additional percussion at some points too. But it was his scratching that was most delightful. Speaking of delightful, female vocalist "Scarlet" got up on stage for some songs and sang like a diva. Despite her name, her hair was milky-blonde and her clothes weren't red either.

Next on was the band formerly called The S.H.H.I.T. and now going by the name of King Farook. My expectations were low having seen them before and being somewhat put off by them for some reason and/or another. But i was impressed this time, not only with their talented musicianship, but also their personalities and good vibes that they created. They were damn funky! Smooth, funny and energetic. The bass player had a six-string bass, which sounded great. They keyboardist was equally talented on saxophone and delivered some suave backing vocals. The main member of the five-piece band though is the drummer who simultaneously did the main rapping for the songs as well. The guitarist delivered some great funk sounds. The wildest and perhaps most energetic member of the band would probably be the singer/dancer who at times may seem a bit crazy and over the top. i still wasn't keen on some of the lyrics, but i guess they're funny if you don't take them seriously. King Farook are a very talented band and i enjoyed them a lot more than the first time i saw them, when they were still using their old name, which gave the impression that they were full of themselves (which might be why they changed it). But maybe these guys, are the SHIT, regardless of whether or not they think they are.

The Suitable Few. Something that makes each show by The Suitable Few different each time is their topic jams. What's a topic jam? The band asks people from the audience to select three or four random topics and from that Balistik and Addikal freestyle at least a verse each on each of those topics. First topic jam of the night ended up with the colour Green, Birth Control Pills, and Fellatio. The second topic jam of the night had the results of Prostitution, Homophobes, Drugs and John Lennon at the end of which they said they don't condone those four things, jokingly saying they don't condone John Lennon. At some point between songs, manager Edwin told the band 'No "Summer"!' (A song from their EP which was made into a single) to which Balistik said was due to seasonal discrimination.
Goddamn i love satire! The Suitable Few have this wonderfully hilarious song about Emo kids, titled "The Fringe of Society", which if you have ever seen performed live, you will never forget. Within the Hills District, which Baulkham Hills is part of, the "Emo" disease is at plague proportions, so locals get a particularly large kick out of this mocking of them.
The band wrapped things up with their usual closing number, "The Team" to a quite densely filled Bull 'n' Bush.

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