App for Luceti

Aug 19, 2001 18:28


Name: Rei
Livejournal Username: arrasailsup
AIM: reitunno
Current Characters at Luceti: N/A


Name: Anise Tatlin
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Time Period: The one month after defeating Van at Absorption Gate and before Luke goes visiting his friends
Wing Color: Pink
Character history
Plot of the game

At first glance, Anise seems to be nothing more than a cheerful, boisterous girl, with a flair for the dramatic. She's always ready with a smile and a cutesy pose, and is able to flip through moods with alarming ease, going from angry to pleased to disdainful in the blink of an eye.

Spend any length of time with her, however, and it's plain to see that there's much more going on beneath that bubbly exterior. If you're rich, male, and single, then expect Anise to hit on you with as much subtlety as a brick wall. Because of her financial situation, Anise loves money and her biggest goal is to marry into wealth. She isn't particularly choosy about who she flirts with either; it could be a brat like long-haired Luke, or even the 35 year old Emperor of Malkuth. She also comes up with many schemes to get money, such as trying to dig up the mirror-like stones from Ortion Cavern to sell.

At times, Anise can be extremely violent, although this is normally played for laughs. An example would be when she is refused entrance into Kimlasca because she lacked a passport, and she mutters, "You better watch your back" as soon as she thought nobody was looking. This is a side of her personality that she prefers to conceal, especially from prospective husbands, although she does a rather poor job of it.

Anise can also be very petty and hold grudges for long periods of time. The biggest example of this is her rivalry with Arietta, who Anise insults throughout the entirety of the game. Yet another example would be after Luke got his haircut. Although his desire to change was obvious, Anise spent a long time mocking him before accepting that he is genuinely a different person, long after most of the party had forgiven him.

To onlookers, Anise can seem quite shameless. She knows that her youth and cute appearance can work in her favour, and doesn't hesitate to use them to get her way. She can lie and insult others without her smile ever leaving her face, although she hasn't quite mastered this art as well as Jade has.

Despite these faults, Anise is far from a bad person. She's fiercely protective of her friends and family, especially Ion and her parents. Although she's often exasperated by their naivete, she still loves them and works hard to help them out of whatever trouble they had gotten themselves into, whether it's to earn money to dig her parents out of debt, or to rescue Ion from whoever kidnapped him this time.

Surprisingly, there's a softer side to Anise which manifests at unexpected moments. She has been shown to feel pity for others, such as Dist, sitting with him when she realizes that he's always eating lunch alone; and Arietta and Mohs at the time of their deaths.

Physical: Anise is a skilled puppeteer, using her giant doll Tokunaga to steamroller through everything in her path. She also uses some light and dark elemental Fonic Artes, making her a versatile fighter to have on the battlefield. A list of her strike artes and fonic artes can be found here.

Mental: For a thirteen year old, Anise is quite intelligent and knows a lot about the world. She's able to keep up with the complex discussions of the rest of the party with no problem at all, often chiming in with her own thoughts and sometimes even managing to lighten the mood. She's also quite clever, managing to trick people into paying her for giving a sermon even when they're not supposed to. Because of her obsession with money, she has a good idea about what things are worth, such as in Tataroo Valley where she can put a price to various wildlife with no problem at all. As a Fon Master Guardian, she's always helping Ion out, meaning that she knows a lot about political and economical affairs in the world.

Emotional: In this aspect, Anise is quite strong as well, although it's seen more after the one month skip since she's challenged there by Ion's death. She's able to hide her sadness behind a smile, and work past her grief to create a new goal for herself: becoming the first female Fon Master. In addition, during the first part of the game, Anise is the party member who seems to be most worried about abandoning the Score, but is able to work through her fears to support Ion and the rest.

Physical: Anise is, after all, a thirteen year old girl. Take away her Tokunaga and her Fonic Artes, and she's all but defenceless. With Tokunaga, she's quite slow compared to everyone else in the party, and is easy to hit because of Tokunaga's large size and slowness.

Mental: Greed is a large part of Anise's mentality, and she can also be stubborn and impulsive. These traits, when combined together, could be disastrous. For example, in Tataroo Valley, she had found a rare butterfly and was chasing it despite the rest of the party warning her to be careful. She almost fell of a cliff when a sudden earthquake struck. In addition, Anise can also be incredibly petty, as shown through her treatment to Arietta and Luke after his haircut. She speaks her mind and can be quite insulting, no matter who she's talking to. An example would be when Natalia forced her way into the party, and Anise says, "Anybody else think I should rip daddy's little girl a new hole?" This lack of regard for propriety and the feelings of others has led her to make some enemies, notably Arietta.

Emotional: Anise has a tendency to let things stew until she erupts much later, probably because of her habit of putting up a cheery smile instead of talking about her problems. Once again, the best example of this would be found after Ion's death. Although she seems to get over it quickly after the fact, in reality, she still feels overwhelming amounts of guilt over it. This is seen when Sync mocks her in Chesedonia using Ion's voice. Anise heated declarations of, "I'm fine! I'm NOT letting it bother me! I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm FINE!" indicate that she's most definitely not over her role in Ion's death.

Her care for others could also be used to blackmail her, which had happened in the game. Mohs kept Anise's parents hostage and forced her to spy on the main party throughout the majority of the game, which led to the death of one of her closest friends, Ion. The fact that she hadn't even once considered asking the rest of the party for help shows just how easy it is to use her loved ones against her.

Samples (ALL samples must be set in Luceti-verse.)

First Person:

Hey everyone! I'm the one and only adorable Anise Tatlin, at your service! ♥ [She smiles and poses cutely for the camera, poking at her cheeks.] Is someone here kind enough to offer a poor, lost, frightened little girl like me some help? [She looks a bit worried now, head in her hands.] I just woke up and, whoa! I couldn't believe my eyes! Oh yeah...can someone explain these? [She abruptly calms down, turning around to show a pair of wings to the camera. They're pink in colour and still a bit fluffy with childhood down.] I mean, they're kinda cute and all, but it's seriously weird to just wake up with a pair of wings!

[She pauses for a bit.] Let's see...Um, has anybody seen a kid with green hair around here, looking kinda spaced out? His name's Ion. Oh! And I want my Tokunaga too! He's a doll, really cute, with mismatched eyes, and a huuuge smile! [She demonstrates for the camera again, opening her mouth in a smile that shows all her teeth.]

Well, I guess that's all for now! Call me when you have details! I'll be free at any time! ♥ [Anise grins and waves at the camera. The moment the voice feed stops, her face darkens and she slams the journal shut.]

When I find the bastards who did this, I'm going to make them pay!

Third Person:


It was a beautiful day. Warm shafts of sunlight were dappled against the forest floor. The sky was a cloudless blue and there was just the slightest hint of a breeze in the air. All in all, it was a perfect day for a picnic.

Unfortunately, a picnic was the last thing on Anise's mind as she stomped along the forest, glowering at everything and nothing.

"Owwwwwwwwwww." She repeated, in an even more insistent tone than before, as if vocalizing her pain would make it stop. Which, of course, failed. Anise kicked mutinously at an innocent dead branch that was lying in her way. When it did nothing to improve her mood, the young girl heaved a great sigh and flopped onto the ground, before swearing loudly at the prickly feeling of the grass.

A few minutes passed before Anise managed to settle down in a comfortable enough spot beneath a tree, plucking irritably at the hem of her sundress, which she was wearing in place of her normal Fon Master Guardian uniform. "This is seriously weird." She complained. "Argh! Where am I even? Who the hell's sick enough to steal my clothes and Tokunaga?"

Unfortunately, Anise was smart enough to realize that whining was unproductive and only served to worsen her mood instead of get some worries off her chest. She sighed again, rubbing furiously at her temples. "I guess I should try work out a plan of action or something, huh?" Talking aloud made her feel marginally better. "Okay, first things first. Where am I and who put me here? Some twisted supporter of Mohs?"

Even after all this time, thinking about Mohs made her shiver. She hated her job as a spy, and still felt guilty about it whenever she looked at Ion. But at least Mohs was imprisoned now. She didn't have to lie to Ion any more. She hoped fervently that he would be locked up forever in some dark, dank cell in Keterburg or any other place that was far, far away from her.

"Is Ion here?" She continued to speak her thoughts out loud. "I mean, if this is one of Mohs' plans, they should go for Ion first, right? Why even bother with me? And what's with these wings?" She twisted her head to look at them and attempted to spread them out, wincing a bit as the movement sent a shock of pain through her body again. "Dammit! Ow!"

She tried not to move too much until the pain subsided a bit, gritting her teeth and growling curses under her breath. "Ugh...I can't really d-" She cut her sentence short as she spotted an irregular patch of colour among the grass. Anise hurriedly snatched it up. "Ooo, what's this?"

It turned out not to be a miraculous device to get her out of here, nor something she could sell for a fortune. Anise let out a disappointed little huff. "Booo. What would I even need a journal for?"

But since she had no other lead, Anise started to flick through the leather-bound book.

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