Maybe you feel uneasy about going to Skopje at same that that work on your parents' future flat is commencing. 'Cos those workers won't do a very good job without you there to supervise and encourage them?
(cheers Rambo in his play - you are only a young kitten once!)
OT: Your story has been featured on the SSHG Quiz!morethansiriusJune 27 2014, 19:15:32 UTC
This week quiz_sshg returns with the SSHG Prompt Fest Quiz! Your story, Angels on a Rampage, or A Rose on Any Other Bum, has been featured on the quiz along with a quote and link to your story. Please accept this Featured Author banner as our thank you for sharing your story with SSHG fangirls everywhere.
mir fiel auf dass ich so lange nichts mehr von dir gelesen habe und wollte mal nachhaken - alles so weit ok? Alle Vierbeiner und Zweibeiner in Ordnung?
Comments 8
(cheers Rambo in his play - you are only a young kitten once!)
Your Featured Author Banner
Come play the SSHG Prompt Fest Quiz!
mir fiel auf dass ich so lange nichts mehr von dir gelesen habe und wollte mal nachhaken - alles so weit ok? Alle Vierbeiner und Zweibeiner in Ordnung?
Liebe Grüße
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