OMG, you are the blondest of blondes. You are KNOWN for doing the dumbest things, are ALWAYS having blonde moments, and even your PARENTS say you are a total bimbo! lmao, BLONDES ROCK
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Well..Im off to church camp tomarrow with emily. hm funnnn! I bought 30$ worth of food to eat in the cabin..i dont think we are giong to share..well i know we arent becuase everyone there makes me puke. lol. It should be fun. me and emily pry will be off at night in the woods woundering aroudn. lol. Getting eaten by a Then Sat. at 5 im
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K. So at the football game only 2 bad things happened to me, I got nailed in the side of the head with the hardest thrown football. Everyone around me was like DUCK! and i looked up and was still talking to Emily. lol. and then my head went flying foward and everyone came and was hugging me. lol. It was Charley B. And like it hit so hard my eyes
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Alright. Just got the urge to update. its weird i didnt get any bitchy comments today? Ha. well. today was fun. Kyle and justin wouldnt play with me and emily so we went to walmart and played there. We got these 2 year old costumes they were 7/8 and we put them on and emily ripped hers! hah. and then mine was like a shirt. so we put them back. lol
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Well..So i was at audreys all thurday after school. my mom let me skip dance! :) yeah. and then we just hung out there. pranked called someone and they called back even though we used *67? and her dad answered and he was all pissed off. we were like 7 days..dont waste your time you only have 7 days. lol. Then we went to bed. audrey woke me up at 7
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