Ok if you NEVER comment in my journal please at least comment here. I need help.
Yesterday I bought my prom dress. with Steve(the new boyfriend). $147 later i hand it! lol.
i have pics taken but they arent good since its hard to take full length pics of yourself.
Makeup. Well my co-worker is in school for ethistology(sp?) && im gonna ask her if she could do my makeup. I want fake eyelashes if she is doing it! Cuz i did a modeling//photoshoot for her portfolio & i loved the fake eyelashes.
Now. I am looking at hair styles && i need your help!
depending on the one i choose im gonna see if my mom can do it. we will do a runthrough of it.
Pic of me so everyone remembers.
Me & my ex at homecoming. kinda shows my body & everything.
Me && the boyfriend.
in the back its twisted up.
X posted to my communities.