Joey and his arm

May 22, 2008 17:33

So if you know my boys, you know they are monkeys. like literal jump around, jump on furniture MONKEYS... well that monkey-ness is what got my oldest, Joey into this mess last Tuesday night:

and of course being my son, it wasn't an easy break, set, cast. oh no- he has to have pins, surgery, a tethered artery and some nerve damage. He had a short hospital stay - see pics

then we went home, tried to keep him as still as we could, and yesterday we took him to get a hard cast! But of course again- being MY child- we had complications. He had an allergy to the adhesive in the steri-strips around his incision site, which blistered and scabbed so he had to have those removed and his skin taken care of before he could be casted. I was going to take pics of it, but it was so gross I didn't want to scare anyone.

so after all that he finally decided on a nice BRIGHT color.

I will take happier pics tonight hopefully.
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