So there have been all kinds of awesome stuff coming out of 'ship olympics--both the official Team NewOldSkool entries, and the fanworks being created for each challenge that don't end up as team entries. So here's what I've been up to...
Title: Private Myths
Canon: TOS
Author/Reader: LJC
Audio File: Embedded MP3, available as a zipped download, length of approximately 25 minutes.
Rating: PG-13 (however, due to sexually explicit SFX, audio content is most likely NSFW.)
Synopsis: Six hours into their captivity-more than twelve hours since Pike's abduction and almost twenty hours since Number One's last sleep cycle-she slid into the illusion without realising it.
Author's Note: Written for
The Pike/Number One Bingo prompt "'The Cage' Missing Scene" in December, 2010. Portions of dailogue excerpted from "The Cage" script by Gene Roddenberry, November, 1964, and are used here without permission. Complete text
here. Recorded as podfic for 'Ship Olympics: Event 4
Disclaimer: Star Trek and all related elements, characters and indicia © CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. All characters and situations-save those created by the authors for use solely on this website-are copyright CBS Studios Inc..
Download Title: No Small Dreams
Author/Reader: LJC
Audio File: Embedded MP3, available as a zipped download, length of approximately 14 minutes.
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: Six years after Pike returns to Talos IV, Number One is finally given a chance to say good-bye.
Author's Note: Written for the
Matri-thon: The Pan-Fandom Women 40 And Over Ficathon in September, 2009. Recorded as podfic for 'Ship Olympics: Event 4
Disclaimer: Star Trek and all related elements, characters and indicia © CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. All characters and situations-save those created by the authors for use solely on this website-are copyright CBS Studios Inc..
Download Title: O'Sullivan's Boarding House AU
Canon: TOS AU
Ship: NewOldSkool
taraljcRating: NA
Author's Note: This is artwork for a post-Civil War AU set in Chicago before the fire, where Number One runs a boarding house where Captain Pike takes a room, which currently only lives IN MY HEAD. However, my team are pretty much determined to change that.
Disclaimer: Star Trek and all related elements, characters and indicia © CBS Studios Inc.. All Rights Reserved. All characters and situations-save those created by the authors for use solely on this website-are copyright CBS Studios Inc.. All Star Trek images © 2001 and are reproduced here solely for the purposes of promotion and publicity of this licenced property. This is a fan website in no way affiliated with Paramount Pictures, CBS Studios, Bad Robot Films, or any of the above copyright and trademark holders of Star Trek.
( click to embiggen ) here is the text of the letter, which may or many not end up true to the details of the actual story (once I write it):
Jan 24, 1869
My Darling Christopher,
I hope that this letter finds you well, and that you will be on your way back home to us before I can expect its answer. Mojave may be warm, but I would hazard a guess that it cannot compare to your own bed.
It is difficult for me to believe that it has been a year since you first stepped through the door of my father’s house. I know that I had seemed content with my lot, before we met, but it is unimaginable now that I had not realised how much I lacked, having never known you. I thank God and my late father every day that he made our house known to Dr. Boyce, so that when you arrived in Chicago after the war, you knew there would be hearth and home here waiting for you. Little did I realise how much my life would change.
Philip has told me that I should take to my bed for the remainder of the winter. However, I find it difficult to believe that our son or daughter would suffer too greatly from my attending to simple matters here at home. Colt and Mrs Simon remain by my side, and Mr Scott the odd man has remained as well, to see to the requirements of converting the upstairs parlour to a nursery. For all that he is a brave soul, forever tinkering with newfangled steam power, he has also shown to be possessed of a remarkable skill in woodcarving. The cradle he has made I am certain will be put to good use, if not by us, then by our grandchildren, for it is that sturdy and I expect will last until the ending of the world if proper care is taken.
As for our home, let me tell you how greatly things have changed since you have left us. Misters Kirk and McCoy have taken jobs in the city after the fire, and seem the better for it. McCoy has sent for his daughter, and as a result has become entirely more agreeable. Kirk, as you know, is harder to read and plays at being the rogue and the fool, but as McCoy's lot has become more bearable, Kirk has also relaxed and seems to be lighter of heart.
The best news, of course, is that Mr Grayson has healed completely of his wounds, and has married his freed negress, who, may I add, has abandoned the name given to her by her former masters and taken once again the name given to her by her mother, before her mother was sold. So Sally is now Nyota, and she and Adam are as happy as I have never seen them. There is, of course, some concern as it is still illegal for them to marry, though I am aware they greatly desire it. Despite Mr Grayson's family here in Illinois, they have discussed moving north to Wisconsin, or even as far as Nova Scotia. While I would miss their company, I can entirely understand their desire. Had you and I been prohibited by law to marry, I too would have considered abandoning all I know and all I care for, only to remain at your side and I am certain you would feel the same. [other 3 pages missing]