3 Hangover drabbles from Shipwars

Jan 28, 2010 14:14

1. 400 words PG

" How bad was last night?" Chris asked Phil while leaning(not hanging, just leaning) on the doorframe to his office. Last night had been the first night of leave and he seemed to remember nothing past 2200. Never a good sign.

"Little fuzzy there Captain?" Phil smiled and continued doing some paperwork. What the hell was he bothering with paperwork for? Pike wondered for a second

"Little bit. Got something for me? My head is dying."

"Have you seen One yet?"

"No. Should I have?" Pike stops and thinks for a moment and worries a little more about what exactly happened last night at the party. She was supposed to have left early because she had things to take care of at command in the morning because of her promotion before they could take their leave.

"Might wanna check your sent messages on your padd is all. I'll get you something for that headache while you do."

Boyce passed him and went to prepare a hypo while Pike pulled up the sent folder on his padd, somewhat concerned about what he would find there.

He found the offending message rather quickly:

To: number.one.cmmd
From: christopher.pike.cmmd

Marry me.

Concern became panic for a moment as he stared at it.


"Language Captain. " Boyce interrupted as he jabbed Pike's arm with a hypo.

"I proposed to her while drunk off my ass, over a comm. I think I'm allowed to swear." Pike responded annoyed, "Hell... and you've seen her since?"

"Oh yes. "

"How much trouble am I in?"

"Start grovelling"

" Christ. Right. Ok, at least it's leave, I actually have the time to make it up to her..." Pike started running through plans and how to explain what an idiot he was sometimes, like she didn't already know that part, and wondered how much sex he could use as payback (knowing One the answer would be: Alot. Thankfully) as he began to walk out.

"And Chris."

"Hmm?" Pike turned back briefly as he debated where he should take her first. Drunkenly proposing right after her Promotion to Captain was not his Best Idea Ever. Even if they had been together ages.

"Buy a ring if you haven't yet. Wait too much longer and she'll be proposing to you. And I know you want to beat her to the punch on that one at least."

"Oh. Right. I'll do that then." Chris almost sprinted out the door.

2. 265 Words PG 13 for allusions to sex

"You planned this. You planned this and I'm not even sure how."

" Who me?" Pike grinned and completely failed at playing innocent-not that he was trying very hard.

"Yes you. What were in the drinks last night the entire shift is out with hangovers?"

"Boyce may have helped."


"Are you complaining that we have the bridge to ourselves? All to ourselves while we are on course and and lightyears away from anything that might bother us for the next few hours I might add."

"How did you keep it out of mine?"

"Slipped you the antidote. "

"Do you drug all your dates?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"No, I prevented you from being drugged. Like a good date would." He corrected, "I just drugged everyone else."

"You're terrible."


"All so we can have the bridge to ourselves"

"For a whole shift" he adds stepping a little closer.

"Mmm, whole shift you say?" Number One smiled deviously and moved a little too, as if going for a kiss, "I'm making you wait then." One pulled away quickly and walked to go sit at the helm. "Since we have so much time." She smiled to herself and knew precisely the face Chris was making behind her.

"Should've seen that one coming." Pike said with a grimace.

"You really should have. " She checked course before turning to him over her shoulder, " Don't worry, I won't make you wait too long. I have several plans for that chair of yours and we will need plenty of time to try them all out."

"...I love you."

"I know."

3. 163 Words G Unposted because of poorly timed class

Pike surveyed the wreckage in the (artificial) morning light and sighed. This was bad. Very bad.

Number One appeared at his side and looked skeptically over the mess.

"This is your fault you know." She said evenly.

"My fault? They're your crew."

"It wasn't just my crew. And you hired half of them."

"Years ago. You let Cait take charge."

"I still blame you, Admiral." She quipped. Wielding his title like a weapon

"They're mostly your crew, Captain." He returned. "Is maintenance and cleaning on their way at least?"

"Hungover. They'll be here in an hour once they're filed through sickbay."

Pike nodded and they looked around and fell into silence. Well they'd learned one thing at least. Engagement parties should not be thrown by Cait Barry and they should not be held anywhere destroyable if they were.

"Never again." Pike said before turning on his heel to leave.

"Careful or I'll let her plan our reception." Number One called casually after him.

canon:aos, fanfic

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