Chocolate? Invite them over (if they are not living with you) for home-made food, preferably their favorite dish? (Mmmmm, foooooood.) Surprise them with a little CD of songs that "mean" something?
I was gonna say flowers.. >< hmm. maybe write them a poem or a song. Oder wenn gar nicht gesprochen werden soll, ne schachtel pralinen oder so. oder wenn es eine entschuldigung für einen partner ist und nicht nur in einer freundschaft, könnte man ein romantisches dinner vorbereiten ^^ sonst kann man auch "I'm sorry" irgendwo schön groß hinschreiben, zb mit Teelichtern.. mehr fällt mir grad (morgens um 7) nicht ein..
Comments 6
Surprise them with a little CD of songs that "mean" something?
Guess I should have been more specific. It shouldn't be gifts, because my product is the make-up gift, basically. But thank you!
I agree with trinelise3 - try asking them if they'd like help with anything (and then help them with it if they do).
And if all else fails, buy them beer!
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