I don't know what to make of it:
A wild dream involving a Pentecostal church, old high-school sweethearts (and not-so-sweet...), my sister, my Ugly Stepfather, some geese, and my cute little son.
Oh, and I'm pretty sure some pipers too (
lookie here)- thanks Seren!!
Seeing that it's National Novel-Writing Month, both my dream life and my waking life are rich with potential best-sellers, I'd say! For as odd as the dreams have been of late, each day of these last 42 has been equally so. We'll just call them full of texture; it's not been all negative or difficult, but certainly mind-stretching and limit-expounding...
...such as sleeping in a cramped camper shell in the frigid-freezing crystalline night experience offered by the weather sprites at Yellowstone, dozing off to the gorgeously eerie sound of elk singing to each other nearby....
...or more recently, walking a meditative walk through a woodland labyrinth, meeting the east-coast Good Folk and forest spirits while nursing a body-wide (yes folks, I do mean allll over) burning poison ivy rash...
California coastal redwood forest; Oregon oceanside and rivers-bend; rich and dry Washington valley; supple and rainy Idaho alpine forest, drifting into equal ground in Montana; wide, dry and surprisingly volcanic Wyoming; utterly, dreamily gorgeous prairie across South Dakota; sweet corn and barn all across pastoral Iowa; creepy agri-biz neat-row-after-row-after-sterile-row through Illinois; excitingly break-neck speeds on the highways of Indiana; ancient burial mounds and hillsides in Ohio; crazy driving through the claustrophobic hills of West Virginia; a clean sweep across tender horse-lawn upwards through Virginia;
and finally, we crossed a great waterway and landed gently in southern Maryland, where we have lived now for a month with mother-in-law, in some trying times and many joyous ones,
Now I need to finish my coffee, feed my boy and pack my bags... Home awaits, home awaits, home :) awaits.
But- I need to add that yes, I found Mama. And in the most unlikely place, too. Bread-basket America does have reverence for an ancient and powerful goddess, after all; I could not believe my eyes. She has no name; some traditions link to her, but, on the whole... a most incredible, moving and pleasant surprise to find her!!
;) More on that later... I've got some packing to do...