Title: Without notice Pairings/Characters: Ryo/Shige Rating/Warnings: NC-17, rimming Summary: Ryo is tired and Shige is, for once, unannounced. Notes: originally posted here, 2775 words, mostly pwp
You have no idea how much I flailed when I saw this prompt in the meme. And somehow didn't comment. ^^;; my apologies. Thanks a lot for this amazing Shige. It's already a rarity this pair and the most a Shige in control of things. As always, my inarticulate comment can't exprese how much I like and reread your fics. Thanks!
Comments 14
Good work! and the ending was oh so perfect!
Thank you!
Thank you for a lovely comment.
And somehow didn't comment. ^^;; my apologies.
Thanks a lot for this amazing Shige. It's already a rarity this pair and the most a Shige in control of things.
As always, my inarticulate comment can't exprese how much I like and reread your fics.
As always I am very thankful for all your lovely words.
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