Hetalia - Gender-swapped America Icons

May 30, 2010 17:02

Whoooooo, have some Ameriko. These icons once again brought to you by my RP obsession. XD

Ameriko = 38
Ameriko/Alfred = 3
USUK = 14 (Some are of Ameriko/Igiko, some are Ameriko/Arthur, and one is Alfred/Igiko. x3)

Aaaandd.. there are a couple miscellaneous things with Japan and Canada as well.

Credit for the images goes to respective artists.
Most of these are from pixiv.

☆Please comment.
☆Credit optional: pillowsoficons // pillowsofwind
☆No hotlinking.
☆Don't steal them and say they're yours. xD


character: england, character: america, fandom: axis powers hetalia, icons

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