I had a pretty fun Friday night. Of course I documented it.
Morgan needed a new tongue ring thingy and errands needed to be run so I tagged along to keep Morgan and Hope from killing each other. The Capitol City Tattoo people take hour long lunches so they were closed when we got there. Hope needed Wal-Mart stuff.
Morgan found a pretty pink pony to ride!
And of course we couldn't resist...
I particularly like the look in the eye of the boy pony.
We got Morgan his stupid tongue ring thingy after we picked up Lisa.
And then we ditched Hope at the Rave for her date... But not before I took the obligitory crazy car photo.
Then Lisa, Morgan and I went to meet Dr. Dilley for sushi and Thai food at Lek's!
You can see there that some people had leftovers, not me! no no! Do 21 year olds still get points for Happy Plate?
Then we ditched Lisa and went to bother Janel at work.
And then we went to the Rave to see Team America. It was funny.
So that was my fun Friday night.