[Kevas wakes in a cot with an awful groan. Not since he fought his father has he felt this level of exhaustion and pain. Any attempt to move is halted by a spike of searing pain. Kevas does his best to ignore it if only to grab his communicator. He needs to know what's going on.]
Please tell me dat we made it.
[He's in so much pain that he fails
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Where...are you?
[She dips her head.]
If it is ever within my power to be of any sort of assistance to you, you simply need to say the word, and I will be there, Vorpal Sword in hand!
Fuh now I just be happy havin' joo right here.
And right here I will stay.
[Kevas lays back down to rest but keeps Alice's hand held gently in his own.]
[His hand gets the smallest of squeezes, and she will sit right here the entire time should he permit.]
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