Using the
Random Integer Generator, generate three random integers with values between one and one hundred. Post your results as a comment to this entry. I will match each number to an ordered list of questions I have obtained from the internet pertaining to character development. I will
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Comments 8
When he was younger, Nate was more of a confrontational kind of guy. After all, not everyone is perfect and more than once there was fists and noses involved. The worst that ever happened (thankfully) was just a sprained wrist after a few choice words were exchanged. That did change over time however and now he’s more of the kind of guy that tries to persuade his opponent to, if not see his way, to agree to disagree.
89. Are you generally organized or messy
The correct term is ‘organized chaos’ - ever since he and Molly moved in together (after marriage of course!) his ‘bachelor pad’ was transformed into a home which most would be proud of. However his ‘office space’ is far less organized. Papers are mixed with unused paper plates. Notes for next weeks’ sermons are just as confused in with socks and baseball hats. The rest of the house might be spot-free but god help the man who goes in there.
49. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true ( ... )
Honest, Bumbling, Good-Natured.
6. What is your occupation?
Nate is still a student, a seminarian at St. Paul’s School of Theology. In the past however he has worked at Barnes and Nobel, Quick Trip, and mowing grass in the community.
37. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
If asked on your average day, Nate would say that he never tried to regret anything, as it made him who he is today- and well... all that bullshit of a line. But if he really had to think about it? Like, really sit down and think about what he wishes he could go back and change?
… He’ll get back to you on that.
Patrick Anderson, Nate’s father, an insurance agent and ex-rocker. He’s getting closer and closer to retirement and so with that- his life’s aspiration… to cross the world in an RV. He’s good natured, oddly humored (where Nate gets it from) and all in all just your average guy.
Marianne (Tuppence) Anderson, Nate’s Mother and an ex-groupie, housewife and lay-leader for the church. She was a bit overly maternal when Nate was a child- the kind that offered to volunteer in the classroom and all that. Thankfully it’s settled down as she’s grown older- but she still is one to talk to Molly about the possibility of pitter-patter of feet.
13. What do you have in your pockets?
Because I am lazy and it is AWESOME I made a polyvore of it. As listed his pockets include: o1: A black slightly new wallet- containing his driver’s license, credit cards, best buy points card and a picture of Molly. o2: Four receipts to wal-mart, McDonalds, Walgreens and this ( ... )
Good: 1. Guitar 2. Being Awesome 3. Halo.
Bad: 1. Public speaking 2. Saying the right things at the right time. 3. Public Speaking.
56. Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.
Nate has many friends- and just as many best friends. Do you remember those kids when you were in school that always seemed to have a posse? That’s kind of Nate’s deal. He has two guys whom he considers his best friend (a rarity for many men of any age). One by the name of Max whom he met through the band he plans in, Dino Wall Porn and is his right hand man- he’s constantly trying to get Max laid or at least a girl, or at the very least- an interesting time. The other runs around by the name of Ophrah- whom he calls Oph in short. Oph is his wingman and great idea partner. They’re one to play X-Box until all hours and both freak out about the ‘love’ of their lives and be all sorts of girly manly with each ( ... )
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