JClay94987: that's cute!!!!!!!!!!!! however, i have to go now, i am trying to print stuff up and everytime i do, it's your im! good bye for now!
Blink182Liane: oi vey
Blink182Liane: u have to highlight what u want printed
Blink182Liane: see how the IM's in bright blue and the window you're printing is lighter blue?
JClay94987: how do you do that?
Blink182Liane: ok you're talking to me now
Blink182Liane: the IM box is highlighted because it's the active window
Blink182Liane: its a brighter blue
JClay94987: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Blink182Liane: you're webpage is lighter
Blink182Liane: because it's not highlighted and thats why you keep printing the IM
Blink182Liane: just click on the webpage and it'll be the active box and you can print it
JClay94987: i see that now...had no idea that meant anything
Blink182Liane: lol yeah
JClay94987: i got it now
JClay94987: stop making fun of your mommy, you know, the one who has gilmore season 4 in her possession
Blink182Liane: :(
JClay94987: :-*
Blink182Liane: cruel cruel
JClay94987: that's me, mean ol' mom! be nice to me
Blink182Liane: you're mean!
JClay94987: i know, that's where you get it from!!!!:-)
Blink182Liane: touche
JClay94987: oooooooooooooh la la, you speak french now!!
Blink182Liane: oui oui
JClay94987: and then there's vin blanc, vin rouge--all the things you need!
Blink182Liane: dont worry i've got those down
Blink182Liane: :)
Blink182Liane: i gotta go figure out how to tape gilmore, love you
JClay94987: love you toooooooooooooo
Blink182Liane: byeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JClay94987: byeeeeeeeeeeeeee