Character name: John Granby
Series: The Temeraire series
Age: 27 (at the end of Empire of Ivory)
Job: Firefighter
Canon: Take Napoleonic Era. Add dragons. Mix well. This is the world of the Temeraire series--where along with the Army and Navy, Britain has an Aerial Corps of manned dragons with which to fight the French. Unfortunately, just because dragons are widespread, domesticated, and even perfectly capable of intelligent conversation doesn't mean the average person wants to be anywhere near them. In Great Britain, dragons are considered savage beasts barely above other animals, and the aviators in the Corps are set apart from society into the dragon coverts and looked down on as unpredictable and outside the law. (This may or may not have some small basis in reality, given dragons will generally refuse to cooperate with anything if their captain is in danger.)
Captain John Granby is an aviator through and through. He's been working for the Corps since he was seven years old, and he has plenty of experience and knowledge on his side, not to mention the straightforward and informal attitude characteristic of the Corps. Try as he might, he has a hard time keeping his opinions to himself, and an even harder time backing down on them--whether he's for you or against you, he doesn't do it half-heartedly. But even more stubborn and willful is his dragon, Iskierka, a rare fire-breathing Kazilik who does whatever she pleases whenever she pleases. Despite his lifelong experience working with dragons, not even Granby can control Iskierka, and when it comes to her... he's resigned himself to just making sure she doesn't set anything too important on fire.
Sample Entry:
I am sorry, but I shan't bite my tongue over something like this. This is nothing short of an insult, and I cannot bring myself to sit back and take it; Admiralty's orders be damned. Whether you care to dignify the rank of an aviator or not, I am a captain and we are at war; what is the meaning of shipping England's only fire-breather off to the colonies and off duty, and keeping the both of us useless? And to finally see myself sent to her, only to hear that I am not to be serving as a soldier of the King, but as a common firefighter! Begging your pardon if she has set the continent aflame, and I will pay for the damages and more, but this is hardly a job on which to waste a captain and his dragon for a year or more--
--Oh, hell, I suppose if there is a fire going on right as we speak, it is no time to be sitting around arguing over one thing or another. Yes, of course; I will not just sit back and watch you all burn yourselves. There's snow all about you; toss it on the building, for God's sake! And you, sirs, go find us a hose instead of shouting your heads off. It is quite obvious that the roof is on fire, thank you, but I would rather not see it burn while you're sitting here twiddling your thumbs.
Well, at the very least, I can see why you are in need of a good firefighter. That was far more work than it should have been, and the lot of you look like you've already been through the fires of Hell and back a dozen times without doing a thing about it. Are the States truly that flammable, even in winter? And you've kept Iskierka here without her captain how long! Brilliant, the Government; they'd rather see everything up in smoke than listen to an aviator. No wonder the Frogs handed the land over if it could be lit up so easily. I must say, I have no intention of taking back any land for England while I'm here, as we've got much more urgent things to worry about; but you can't but admit it would be a damned easy sight. Where is your covert? You don't mean to say you have no creatures here at all to defend yourselves with?
...Nonsense. I've never heard anything of the like in all my years with the Corps. There's no way a single beast could fight off whatever enemy forces come its way, no matter how talented. And without even the capability of flight? Oh, honestly. Don't think an aviator frightened by the mere mention of a creature. By all means, I should like to see this Marcy personally if she is half as mighty as you say; and at least if we are to visit the lake there is less a chance of anything catching on fire, and we shall all only be as flaming as Iskierka sees fit.
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