3rd period is seriously the best period ive got haha mitter craig is my all time fav teacher plus i got bridgette in that class and she craps me up like 500 times aday...today we did this lab where we made jello to show us how cells work or someshit haha idk but i was making a water park in the sink and spraying ppl it was so tight and me and bridgette did drugs lol :-P
he has a lisp HAHAHAH
look at that face how can u not love a face like that lol!
spraying ppl with water :)
making my water park..."its like adventure island" LOL
hahahah got DUCANS wet :)
neck HAHA
hhahaha she forreal hates pictures
oooooh tight :)
small toungeee
hahah downsyndromm
my hg kasi <3
TAINA <33333
exactly why i love this boii <33
so today was a good day <3