Official Birthday Invitations

Apr 08, 2009 21:59

Yeah, there's more... Tryign to plot character casting since there's new people and people might change their minds and want someone new to do...
also if there's anyone else wanting to come, post plz xD
ALSO, ALSO.I don't have everyone's LJs/Contact info... so tell anyone you know.

EDIT: Please RSVP? I NEED to know who's coming. xD I know a few of you but feel free to comment here too so I have it all together.

YOU'RE INVITED~Why - My 21st birthday!
When - bday is the May 13th, but the party will be on Saterday the 16th. About 11:00am.  Need to use the daylight hours~ will probably allow everyone a halfhour or so to arrive before going over rules and suches.
Where -  13241 262nd Ave E
South Prairie, WA 98385
Who - Sally, Brette, Michi, Gary, Mara, Raja, Bonnie, Mina, Julianna, Sephi, Rai, Brett, Heather, karen, Rekka, Cyrus, Mandie, BB, Hilary, Josh, Jordan, Amber, My dad and mom~, Ana, Midna, Lilly, Dryte, Quiein, Cael, and Ashley
Feel free to bring a friend, just let me know who they're being and keep the theme...! No doubles please~ It would get confusing in the grand scheme of warz. xD
How much - $30

What should I bring?
Just yourself and $30! food, snacks, and lots of water will be provided by mwa~ \o/
Though you CAN bring some food, if you feel so inclined.

What should I wear?
A wig to match your character and then casual clothes that youd on't mind getting paint on. Personally, I'm making a Italian flag shirt. \o/

What about paintball gear?
That is included in that $30 you pay, so you should have everything provided by the facilities.

Doesn't paintball hurt?!
Not if you dress right! Try to wear long sleeves and make sure you have pants. don't forget this is IN THE WOODS. So active shoes. xD Rules and such will be gone over on the day. if you don't want to play you don't have to! But it'll be pretty boring sitting around next to the woods with a wig on. xD

Who's being who?

America - Sally

UK - Brette

Russia - Queien

France - Gary

China - Mara

Lithuania - Bonnie X
Estonia -
Latvia -
Canada - Mina
(Quebec) / Mattiekins
Belarus - Hilary
Ukraine -
Sealand - Julianna

Italy - me~

Germany - Sephi

Japan - Rai ?

Austria - Heather

Hungary - Karen

Prussia - Rekka X

Neutral or just confusing/ i don't care to look up which side
Sweden - Cyrus

Finland - Mandie

Spain - BB

S.italy -
Poland - Raja

Switzerland -
Lichtenstein -
Greece - Josh ?
HRE - Amber

Rome - My dad!

Germania - My mom

Korea -
Turkey - Jordan

Characters I care less about (because they rarely show up in the manga xD but be them if you want to )
Cuba -
Denmark -
Egypt -
hong Kong - Cael

Iceland -
Thailand -
Norway -
Seychelles - Ashley

Tibet -
Vietnam -
Taiwan - Midna
Belgium -

People I don't know whom they want to be~
?, Brett X, Lilly X, Dryte X, Michi X

Please let me know if you're coming or not! We have to pay in advance to reserve it... xD Soooo. yeah. need to know roughly how many are coming.

Brette, Raja, Mina, Sephi, Heather, karen, BB, Amber, My dad and mom~, Midna(Depending on parents), sally, Hilary (depending on parents), mara, ashley, Juliana (with good behavior), Cyrus, Gary

PLEASE CONFIRM OR TELL ME IF YOU'RE NOT COMING. I need 10 people at the LEAST to rent this place, and if I wind up with like 9 because someone didn't tell me they changed their mind, i will be really pissed off. xD

paintball, hetalia, woooooo 21, birthday

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