Apr 07, 2011 04:04
- 01:09:34: @ cornerinfielder Make up some bizarre abstract metaphor for it like "Hamlet fucking Ophelia was a sign of women being repressed by men"
- 01:10:23: @ cornerinfielder Or even like Hamlet is corruption. Ophelia is purity...thusly life is a combo of corruption and purity.
- 01:13:57: @ martydogg Hmmmm *tries to help* Basically every single nation/race/ethnicity has been hated on since the dawn fo time. It kidna sucks.
- 01:16:08: @ spacemnkymafia LOL It's kind of funny to watch Red Sox fans going batshit insane. I think I'm the only one who isn't.
- 01:17:08: Why the eff do I have to go in for 10am tomorrow? Fucking bossman....plus my mom wants me to fill up her car before I go to work. RARR
- 01:17:51: Ugh my mom works only like a stone's throw awayy...I'm pretty sure she'll have enough gas to get to and from.
- 01:18:08: And I'll stop spamming........now!
- 02:15:26: There is a direct relationship today between feeling confident... More for Pisces http://twittascope.com/?sign=12
- 18:32:22: lololol oh Daisuke #tooamusedtobemadrightnow
- 18:36:22: @ shelley1005 I'm not even mad anymore. It's just such a crazy!bad beginning of the season (though IIRC, Red Sox in 08 had a bad start too)
- 18:37:32: @ shelley1005 btw didn't mean that in a negative way at all. I just meant that the panic is so much lulz, it's left me indifferent
- 18:38:53: @ martydogg All you can really do is just laugh about the clusterfuckery without trying to punch any fans' faces in
- 20:07:35: @ FineandRandy ZOMG THEY'RE SANDWICHES?! *RIism*
- 20:32:52: Have the Red Sox become baseball's version of Doom: Repercussions of Evil?
- 20:33:23: /is aware only like 5 people may get that joke
- 21:23:27: @ GlobeChadFinn It's easy to lose perspective when one cannot see it, and I'm glad that you haven't lost it. So thanks on that.
- 22:22:29: AHhh goddammit, whyyy did I have to watch the "Feed the Birds" number from Mary Poppins? #thingsthatmakemecrylikealittlebitch
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