Apr 21, 2011 04:04
- 01:53:15: So thinking about going for a Master's Degree in either Film/TV or Broadcast Communications. School is in San Fran. Thoughts?
- 01:54:18: A lot of courses are online too so I can work from home.
- 01:55:26: @ cornerinfielder Academy of Art University...I'm only looking at it and have some dialogue w/ an advisor to take a look. Still unsure tho.
- 02:00:17: @ cornerinfielder hmmm good to know. Yeah I'm just looking to see if it'd be worth it or not. I mean odds are I wont start till 2012
- 02:16:44: Your fantasies seem larger than life today, yet there's little... More for Pisces http://twittascope.com/?sign=12
- 02:25:08: @ TrippingOlney Have you ever tripped with Ben & Jerry? Is that how they came up with "Everything but the..." ice cream? That stuff is good.
- 02:28:59: @ TrippingOlney What would your ideal ice cream consist of?
- 13:13:57: This is basically fried dough...it is goooood http://yfrog.com/h23n2ubj
- 16:09:33: RT @OldHossRadbourn: I for one can not wait for the 20' tall statue of "Bud" Selig to be constructed at Chavez Ravine.
- 16:17:30: @ 1863_project *sings* Raindrops keep falling on his head...but that doesn't mean that his bat is truly dead...
- 16:18:01: @ GlobeChadFinn Will you change his middle name to Carlson?
- 16:22:36: RT @PatrickSull: MLB should just give Jed Lowrie the Dodgers.
- 16:24:04: @ spacemnkymafia any reason? I don't think he's that short...
- 16:25:00: I challenge someone to make a Legend of Jed Lowrie shirt/logo in the style of Legend of Zelda...come on folks! Creativity is king!
- 16:28:23: @ TrippingOlney Your first duty is going to be appointing Charlie Sheen to GM? Since he supposedly wrote teh entire book on winning.
- 16:37:23: Clay cannot pitch w/ Tek behind the plate. I have no idea why, but it's just one of those things.
- 16:38:11: Plus the umpire didn't help matters either
- 16:38:58: @ shelley1005 Fair enough. I did amend my previous statement citing the umpire. Oh well. It's an improvement at least
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