at work today...

Dec 28, 2006 18:51

so, i got to work a little early today (early even for zio's time!). we weren't open yet but a man wandered into the restaurant. this occasionally happens, a family will follow someone inside and we have to serve them even though we're not officially open to the public yet.

but this guy looked a little strange. he had a kind of hobble to his walk and he was wearing a shirt that no one should ever buy. his hair was unruley. he looked like he hadn't slept right in God knows how long.

he walked up to one of the other servers and was talking to her even as she was finishing putting on her tie and apron. i couldn't tell what they were talking about, i assumed she was telling him we weren't open yet. then she went to get our manager Johnny. as he walks towards the front of the restaurant, the server he was talking to came over to tell us what was going on.

this man was homeless. he said that he hadn't eaten in a few days and he was very hungry. all he wanted was some leftovers from the day before or whatever we could spare for him. now i feel bad because i was making fun of his "homeless guy shirt" and he actually was homeless. go figure. so we see our manager talking to this guy, but he's making gestures, pointing at the door. and the man leaves empty handed. then this thought came into my head:

Inasmuch as ye have done unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done unto me.

Johnny could have given this dude some of our free bread that we give to EVERYONE that comes in, we have a ton of it. he wasn't asking for us to make him a free meal, he would have taken anything we were willing to give. there was so much he could have done, but he turned the man away. i couldn't believe my eyes. i mean, i guess i understand that we are not a homeless shelter and we couldn't feed every homeless person, but this was one guy. he was alone. i somehow doubt that he would have told 100 of his homeless friends that he got a free piece of bread at zio's and put us out of business. it just seemed like such a heartless thing to do considering it's the freaking holidays.

it struck me as so absurd that i had to blog about it. so there.
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