Continuing with the posts about our Big Bang challenge, here we have an explanation on what this is about and some FAQs, along with an estimated timetable that is most probably subject to changes, though this will be notified if they happen.
If you have taken part in
jent_bigbang you probably have an idea what this is about. Basically it requires writers to write an usually long fic. Artists then will decide which fic they want to produce art for, and both will be posted together. We decided on this rather than a simple contest or exchange because it puts less pressure on people and it also allows both writers and artists to participate and do something together, which is always fun!
That explained, here are the FAQs:
Actually the FAQs are short, because this is a very simple challenge:
Writers are to write a fic of at least 5,000 words - we have lowered the usual minimum in other Big Bang challenges because I don't know if many of you write long fics, but there won't be a maximum to rest at ease. It must be in English and have good grammar (we understand English may not be your mother language, so there'll be a sign up for helpful betas too!). It must be a complete, stand alone piece that has not been posted anywhere - meaning original works! Or works in progress that have not been posted, of course. Co-authors are cool with us too!
And of course, this is the main point: it must focus on Jin/Yamapi! They don't need to be a pair. They can be friends, enemies, dogs or lamps, but the action must focus around them. If you want to write them as a past couple who has since moved on and have new lovers that's all cool - but your fic must be about the time they were together. Dramas are good too - Hayato/Kurosaki, Miroku/Joe or Natsu/Akira, whatever you want, but it must be Jin/Yamapi. I think we have this clear already, yes?
Artists are to produce at least one piece of work - you can do more! You'll work only for one writer, unless there are stories without art and you're feeling like picking up another one; since the point is for all stories to have art to go along with them, in that case you'll be welcomed to produce more! All art forms are cool, but: one piece of work = 10 icons = 2 banners = 1 original art piece = 1 fanvid = 1 fanmix. You'll probably have to communicate with your writer so you can discuss this with them. Please note you should upload your art to some site yourself!
And that's all!
☆ April 2nd - authors sign ups open
☆ May 1st - author sign ups close
☆ June 1st - artists sign ups open
☆ July 1st - artist sign ups close + fic summaries due
☆ July 5th - artist claims open
☆ August 15th - fics due!! We're giving you three months and a half to finish 5,000 words, I think you'll have time enough!
☆ September 30th - Art due!!
☆ October 1st - a posting schedule will be posted - please note you'll have to post your fic and its art yourself! We'll explain how further in :)
☆ October 10th - posting begins, yay!!
☆We'll probably do a few checks up to see how you guys are doing and all during the challenge! And also take note that since both your lovely mods are in Europe, we'll be working with an European time zone: GTM+1!
If you have any questions, please refer them to either me or
myxstorie or simply post them here! :)