♥Pink_bananas and ♥Doglover123
- Likely to conceive a handful of robot children.
- Wish to read in private.
- Dance terribly and have plenty of fun.
Um...the last one is true lol
♥Pink_bananas and ♥Kelbel200
- Are rumoured to have conceived a pair of robot children.
- Can't wait to cite romantic precedent, it would seem.
- Celebrate good times.
Ceeelllllllebrate good times...
♥Pink_bananas and ♥Maroonie
- May one day have no elitist kids.
- Pretend to watch television together for the foreseeable future.
- Buy lavish gifts for each other.
- Are the envy of all.
Of course we're the envy of all. ;)
♥Pink_bananas and ♥Missy_sue
- Are rumoured to have had some related girls.
- Choose not to slow dance nearly everywhere.
- Have developed gills for extended kissing.
♥Pink_bananas and ♥Purplespork
- Will never have all evil girls.
- Can't wait to skinnydip when the time is right.
- Follow their dreams.
♥Pink_bananas and ♥Rissa86
- Trying to adopt less than zero happy girls.
- Enjoy opportunities to cite romantic precedent when permitted.
- Should invest now in crowd-controlling equipment.
crowd controlling equipment? lol
♥Pink_bananas and ♥Sbspurr
- Secretly adopted one elitist kid.
- Elect to skinnydip after dark.
- Buy lavish gifts for each other.
♥Pink_bananas and ♥Solanacee
- Are rumoured to have had twenty-eight thousand valuable children.
- Like to hug each other weekly.
- Buy lavish gifts for each other.
.......k. At least our children are valuable.
♥Pink_bananas and ♥Stormont
- Doing their best to have all gruesome girls.
- Like to listen to music together weekly.
- Lucked out blind date.
Jason, I think they insulted Petricia Bob.
♥Pink_bananas and ♥Techieskittles
- Might adopt some stylish children.
- Love to chat, it would seem.
- Let their fans read more in the book of the same name.
♥Pink_bananas and ♥Theatresporter
- Might have some surrogate children.
- Love to slow dance for the foreseeable future.
- Defy the predictions and proclamations of any online toy.
♥Pink_bananas and ♥Zachadams
- Secretly adopted many demanding children.
- Are aspiring to actually see each other for the foreseeable future.
- Are as one for tax purposes.
lol rawr