
Jul 11, 2003 09:36

This is my LJ. Recently, my mother has found three entries I wrote in here. I have left the one home I felt safe in, smashing glasses and bowls of pumpkin soup. I sat there and listened to my father tell me what he thought of my life. They were all trying to quote help unquote me. It made me sick. I feel like my privacy has been violated - ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

sandcake August 23 2003, 16:22:46 UTC
wow that sucks. id really like to be friends.Add me? im going to add you either way.


pinkbunny47 August 31 2003, 14:37:54 UTC
I added you. Add me back if you want to?


impishgrrl September 11 2003, 06:26:03 UTC
I know that feeling of violation...like when i caught my dad reading my blog red-handed =/

add me?


crazysunshinexx September 14 2003, 09:34:08 UTC
=/ how did you parents even know you had a journal?

my parents don't know...they shall never know.

you can add me if you'd like.


silentregrets September 17 2003, 16:11:16 UTC
Bonjour! Hola. Hello
I think I shall add you to my friends list. You can add me back if you want.
Au revoir. Adios. Good bye


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