1. What are your initials? dDG
2. Does your printer print fast & well? dude its a printer should i act like i care?
3. Do you have shoes on? nope i hate shoes.
4. Are there any lights on in the room? yess
5. How many days of school left do you have? the more the better
6. What are you going to do right when you get out of school? well tomorow im going to.. go online? or dance. either or
... 7.. donde esta 7?
8. What was your last entry about? club land 8 comin out
9. In the last IM you sent, what did you say? Hey Boo!
10. What is your favorite color crayon? macaroni & cheese or tickle me pink
11. Have you ever gone streaking in the winter? thats not my scene
12. What time did you go to bed last night? 12ish
13. Are any of your great grandparents still alive? hm if they were i didnt know about it
14. What era do you wish you lived in? 1960s wen they wore those awesome skirts and did everything on roller blades... yahhhhh.
15. If you were stranded in the forest, what would you do? be queen of the forest or become the blair witch.
16. What is your layout of? clubland backroundd i <3 it
17. Have you ever thought of where the world ends? like meaning its a square? my world doesnt end. period.
18. What exercise equipment do you own? tredmill weights one of those bikes umm i think thats it.
19. Are you wearing a watch? naw my cockrings upstairs where it belongs.
20. What brand is your shirt?hollister... what else is new.
21. Are your toenails painted? ofcoarse id have a heart attack if they werent. btw there sparkly red for christmas.. you know?
22. Are you going to take a shower after this? thats a morning thing
23. How many stories is your house? 3 i guess
24. Have you ever shocked yourself? mos def. in anyway.
25. Have you been hit by lightning? no thanks
26. Have you ever been swimming while it was raining? sure...
27. Do you usually tan or burn? well half of me tans to a certain point and the rest burns like a bitch. pretty weird but hey there aint much sun in the homeland.
28. Have you ever been in a tanning salon? no i already had my fun share of 1st degree burns this summer thanks.
29. What kind of surveys do you like to take? all of traces
30. Have you ever flashed a girl? no sir
31. Have you ever given out your # to some random person? i dont think i did
32. What do you think about online dating? i think any time before the age of 40 is real sad. but if your goin on the big 45 then go for it.
33. Are you scared of the dark? not usually
34. Do you ever study? if i get bored in school sure.
35. Do you say that you will never raise your kids like your parents raise you? definatley but then again i like how i turned out so no se.
36. How many kids do you want? 3ish
37. Are you scared of giving birth? i love pain so bring ittt
38. Do you think you're annoying? i can be extremely
39. When was the last time you were extremely sick? hmmmm last week was pretty extreme for me?
40. What is your favorite kind of underwear? thonggs i despise granny pannys
41. Do you wish Xanga had forums? um why would i want that.
42. Have you met anyone on Xanga? dont have one and itd be pretty sad if that happend
43. Would you date someone more than 10 years older than you? hmm if they were hot and didnt rape me.. sure.
44. Where are you planning on living when you get older? maybe ireland or england. but if not.. schaumburg or florida. yeahhh
45. Have you ever been to the Naval Academy? nope
46. Do you know your family history? sure i guess. whats there to know?
47. Do you like to make lots of screennames & link them all together? no thanks
48. What is the most overused smiley? for me? the kissy face mos def
49. What is the most overused word? dk.
50. Do you like the movie "Napoleon Dynamite?" like is an understatement
51. Would you ever name your kid Napoleon? naw my kids are gonna be named f.. e... c.. k... not sure what the names are goin to be but i got a while before i pop one out.. hm. maybe we could name cinderella my donkeys kid napoleon....
52. Do you own a beanbag chair? heck yes and its furrry and hot pink!
53. What magazines do you get? none these days
54. Do you wear a lot of hemp? i grew out of that phase
55. Do you play handball? im not german.
56. Do you find yourself daydreaming a lot? always
57. What is your home football team? bearrss i love those osos!
58. What is your home basketball team? bulls. suck it your nothing with out jordan
59. When was your last shave? maybe yesterday or this morning. dont recall
60. What parts of your body do you shave? everywhere baby hahah
62. Do you like being alone or around a lot of people? people.
63. Do you think what type of music a person listens to says a lot about them? not really unless theyre really into it
64. Will you have a job over the summer? no mayyne i get paid to live in this house.
65. What what your last search online? umm i think lookin for st.albert the great pics.. stupid boon
66. Do you own a poodle? no. that would be sweet tho
67. Type whatever word comes to your mind. mm mmm bitches
68. Close your eyes & grab something. Ooo! i grabbed... myself?
69. Try to describe feet in as many words as you can. i hate feet. girls feet are gross. guys feet are grosser. i hate wen guys wear sandals because then i can see their grosser feet. ew. and guys in flip flops is completely wrong. COMPLETLEY.
70. Do you have a dirty mind? im not as bad as i used to be
71. Do you have a maid? Eva my polish cleaner is ammmazing.. except wen she puts my sports stuff in boons locker. am i that girly?
72. Do you make your bed every morning? i never make my bed.
73. What day of the week is your favorite? hmm anyday minus sunday monday tuesday and thursday.
74. Would you be capable of making your own survey? no that would be weird.
75. How long have you been online? not sure.
76. Does your best friend annoy you? i have a few best friends and none of them really annoy me.. well okay sometimes but yeah not usually.
77. Is there someone you don't talk to but wait online for them all the time? um no thats weird.
78. What is your definition of "love?" hmmm understanding eachother, liking to spend lots of time with eachother, and liking them because of the small things they do. yeah. thats it
79. Do you find your life fascinating? oh yes.
80. Name one person. BAYCA B! ..
81. Why did they come to your mind? cause im talkin to her right now on aim. about mexico ofcoarse.
82. What kind of cake do you like? carrot cake... hmm yellow cake and chocolate frosting.. confetti cake... any cake.
83. Do you sing in the car? only wen im in the drivers seat
84. Has anyone ever caught you picking you nose? not that i recall
85. What toppings do you put on your ice cream? chocolateee
86. What word is shorter when you add 2 letters to it? yeah gay question.
87. How many situps can you do in a minute? dont know dont care.
88. Type whatever lyrics come to your head. OOH I think they liiike me ... or... DIS AINT A DANNCE FLOO ITS A CANDY STO...anddddd I GOT A PURPLE THONG TO GO ALONGGG WITH MY PINNK TEEE... yeah imn feelin ghetto right now
89. Have you ever fallen down the stairs? thats like the story of my life
90. What 2 colors are best together? umm aqua blue and.. me?