(no subject)

Oct 20, 2005 19:35

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1) Have you ever dated october17? noooooooop
2) Do you have c0ming_up_r0ses's screenname? no i dont have her on msn actualllyyyy
3) october17's hair color? brownnnn
4) Which of your friends should clarey_bear go out with? CALUM !!!!! for our 3 some marriage :P
5) lldj_x's eye color? brown....
6) Are electricbluecat and daytimedramas married? no unfortunately they are not
7) What animal should frownymoo be combined with? a panther
8) What languages does c0ming_up_r0ses speak? french? english
9) Does prettypurty smoke? well one of them does
10) Is snaxwagon friends with frownymoo? no, well im not sure, dont think so
11) What is toxicairhostess's favorite game? something involving britney spears..
12) Is round_andround an emo? no ! lol thats a funny thort
13) Is blackattack2 a nerd? yeppp a totally nerd
14) Where was iheartphotos born? london i think
15) Is chrisplaysdrums a high school student? no
16) What is tranquillizer's favorite movie? urmmm... sumthing involving a buff sex scene
17) Would gatho be a better ninja or pirate? a ninja definately!!!!!
18) Is prettypurty related to pink_diamonds_? wow thats kinda weird actually, as theyr kinda the same person.... wwwwwwweird
19) Is glitterpretty athletic? not too sure, shes not fat tho so yeh i guess lol
20) What song/movie would you recommend to alpaltixilix? hmmmm the pianist
21) Do you have a crush on alpaltixilix? im afraid not
22) What mental disorder does pitta_pata remind you of? TERRETS !!!!!!!
23) If killer_pandas and sheisthesailor were spliced together, what would it be like? it wud b very buff and blonde and sexual
24) Is gossipgays introverted or extroverted? extroverted
25) Thoughts on charliefarly? i love herrrrrrrrrrrrr "howzabowzer kr?"
26) If superman_j commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? urm joe,joe and james
27) What would you do if frownymoo died? be really fucking sad!!!!!! omg i dont wanna think about it :(
28) Has snaxwagon dyed their hair? i think so
29) Is electricbluecat in a relationship? yesh with a buff jew :)
30) If tipofmytongue_ was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? ppl who hate beautiful people like her <3
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