So um things are okay. Today is day number 5. It really isn't bad. Work is fine. Shannon might start working with me. Mark and Bill were saying positive things about her.
I hate this feeling, where my stomach has sunken so low I can feel it tearing away. I feel horrible.
mmkay so I'm sitting in school and Kristinia is next to me. We're going a project about hildegarde of bingen but whatever. I already did my portion of the project yay. I'm really hungry. School is boring and easy
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I have my computer back. Yay, it's fucking bullshit because best buy erased all of it! I'm so pissed they said they weren't going to erase everything, jesus god damn. I'm never taking any shit to best buy ever again
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Um beat this kid up. Sabina left, I miss her. I'm tired. Big fight with the mother this fine day. Diana is my superhero and saved me. We went to the store. Yep
I have this fucking cut in my nose, and I mean it's not one that bleeds. It's just there and hurts a lot. I mean if I even so much as bump my nose my eyes start to water and it looks as if I'm about to cry. I have no idea how it got there. It hurts so much. And to top it all off I got a papercut too.
I hate school it's so long and boring. Bah, damn school. I miss Alexis. It bites. I walked around in the rain today. It was fun, it may have been cold but still it was fun. Yay for rain puddles.
So I stayed home today because I had a dentist appointment and I don't see the point in staying for a half day. Plus I was just really exhausted and everything. So nothing has been really going on. I mean I just aced a few tests and failed one. It was a stupid 69.5 and Mr. Campbell wouldn't even round it up. Stupid bastard. Whatever I aced the
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